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The Next Three Days

10/23/2024 04:15:51 PM


Don't forget to make an Eruv Tavshillin!

We are grateful to our Simchat Torah sponsors: The Bellino Family, Avi Beluca, Gloria & Zack Duckoff, Dana Friedman, Phoebe & Richard McBee, Drs. Sara Rostanski & Ava Liberman, Phyllis & Paul Ruffer, and Michael Sarid & Alan Schwartz. There is still time to be added to this list... Just click here.

The Children's Hakafa has been sponsored by Michael Sarid & Alan "Bubbles" Schwartz.

Simchat Torah Kiddush has been sponsored by Celine & Alexander Rohr.

Shabbat Bereishit Kiddush has been sponsored by Roberta Lee & Sydney Steinhardt in celebration of the anniversaries of Sydney's bar Mitzvah and their wedding.

We return for Yom Tov services on TONIGHT at 5:45 PM

Shemini Atzeret day will begin on Thurdsay at 9:00 AM and we will recite Yizkor at 10:45 AM. There will be no kiddush following services.

Simchat Torah festivities begin Thursday afternoon with Mincha and Pre-Hakaffot Snacks at 5:30 PM, with Maariv and Hakafot beginning at 6:30 PM. We remind We remind you that our Simchat Torah celebrations tend to skew early (leaving plenty of time for side-plans, meals, sleep).

Simchat Torah Morning services begin at 8:30 AM, with Coffee Kiddush at 9:30 AM, Hakafot at 10:00 AM and Aliyot (for men and women) at 10:30 AM. Please be sure to bring your children to the Kids' Hakafa at approximately 11:00 AM.

Immediately following Simchat Torah services there will be a delicious Kiddush. (We are in need of sponsors so please let us know!)

Chag Sameach. 


Hoshana  Rabba / Erev Shemini Atzeret
Wednesday, October 23
Shacharit: 8:00 AM
Candle Lighting: 5:45 PM
Mincha: 5:45 PM
Maariv: 6:03 PM
Shemini Atzeret
Thursday, October 24
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Shema before: 9:58 AM
Yizkor: 10:45 AM
Mincha & Pre-Hakafot Snacks: 5:30 PM
Maariv/Hakkafot: 6:30 PM
Candle Lighting from a
pre-existing flame after:
6:44 PM
Simchat Torah
Friday, October 25
Shacharit: 8:30 AM
Shema before: 9:59 AM
Hakkafot: 10:00 AM
Aliyot: 10:30 AM
Candle Lighting from a
pre-existing flame:
5:42 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv: 5:45 PM
Shabbat Bereishit
Saturday, October 26
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Shema before: 10:00 AM
Mincha: 5:25 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 5:45 PM
Maariv: 6:31 PM
Havdalah: 6:41 PM


Shemini Atzeret / Simchat Torah

10/22/2024 02:02:42 PM


As we conclude our holiday season with the joyous and festive Simchat Torah, we cannot help but question the appropriateness of celebrating as we simultaneously mark one year from last year's horrific Shemini Atzeret attack.

Simchat Torah is a celebration of the Torah's completion and beginning, and could theoretically be separated from recent and current events, but that's not quite how we can - our should - function emotionally. At the same time, we consider Yom Tov celebration to be an obligation, especially as we model the joy we derive from Torah to our families, friends, and selves.

The answer has to be that we must try to do both. On these days we will both celebrate and mourn. This contradiction is not new to us as Jews, and can be found all over our calendar, texts, and liturgy. Of course, this is probably a year to tone down our famous (infamous) Sixth Street antics and to lean in to Simchat Torah in it's purer sense. Of course, this will only work if we have each other, so please, do everything that you can to join us and to be present.

Maybe next year's Simchat Torah be less complicated.

Gavriel Bellino, Rabbi


We return for Yom Tov services on Wednesday at 5:45 PM

Shemini Atzeret day will begin on Thurdsay at 9:00 AM and we will recite Yizkor at 10:45 AM. There will be no kiddush following services.

Simchat Torah festivities begin Thursday afternoon with Mincha and Pre-Hakaffot Snacks at 5:30 PM, with Maariv and Hakafot beginning at 6:30 PM. We remind We remind you that our Simchat Torah celebrations tend to skew early (leaving plenty of time for side-plans, meals, sleep).

Simchat Torah Morning services begin at 8:30 AM, with Coffee Kiddush at 9:30 AM, Hakafot at 10:00 AM and Aliyot (for men and women) at 10:30 AM. Please be sure to bring your children to the Kids' Hakafa - sponsored by Alan Bubbles Schwartz - at approximately 11:00 AM.

Immediately following Simchat Torah services there will be a delicious Kiddush. (We are in need of sponsors so please let us know!)

Chag Sameach. 


Hoshana  Rabba / Erev Shemini Atzeret
Wednesday, October 23
Shacharit: 8:00 AM
Candle Lighting: 5:45 PM
Mincha: 5:45 PM
Maariv: 6:03 PM
Shemini Atzeret
Thursday, October 24
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Shema before: 9:58 AM
Yizkor: 10:45 AM
Mincha & Pre-Hakafot Snacks: 5:30 PM
Maariv/Hakkafot: 6:30 PM
Candle Lighting from a
pre-existing flame after:
6:44 PM
Simchat Torah
Friday, October 25
Shacharit: 8:30 AM
Shema before: 9:59 AM
Hakkafot: 10:00 AM
Aliyot: 10:30 AM
Candle Lighting from a
pre-existing flame:
5:42 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv: 5:45 PM
Shabbat Bereishit
Saturday, October 26
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Shema before: 10:00 AM
Mincha: 5:25 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 5:45 PM
Maariv: 6:31 PM
Havdalah: 6:41 PM


Hoshana Rabba

10/22/2024 09:11:20 AM


Hoshana Rabba services begin at 8:00 AM tomorrow (Wednesday AM).

Please join us!

Post-Yom-Kippur Gratitude

10/14/2024 11:33:37 AM


Greetings Friends,

Thank You all who participated in what was a wonderful Yom Kippur.

I am grateful to our skilled cantors, Meir Shapiro and Neil Kitainik for their beautiful and perfectly-timed davening. They skillfully and precisely moved text along as they moved us, inspiring us with beautiful and thoughtful moments of prayer and song.

I also thank Modi Rosenfeld for his inspiring and amusing words, Elie Yudewitz for his ushering and gabbaing, Keshet Bellino and Naya Yudewitz for their help in setting up the sanctuary, our security team and the NYPD for keeping us safe, and Romano and his staff for their hard work in preparing and maintaining our building.

Adina Lichtman's leadership and energy were particularly inspiring. During the afternoon break, 150 sandwiches were prepared and distributed to our less-fortunate neighbors. Her devotion to the greater community is unparalleled. Adina's not-for-profit, Knock Knock Give a Sock, deserves your support. Please consider helping her to continue and expand her important altruistic vision.

At Kol Nidrei I spoke about synagogue consistency as an antidote to personal, political, and international inconsistency. If my vision spoke to you, if you have benefited from this synagogue's energy and would like to see it enlarged further, please consider participating in our Kol Nidrei Campaign. Your support is essential. I remind you that any amount helps our efforts and lifts our spirits.

Again, I thank you for your continued interest and support and wish you continued good health and a joyful holiday season. Bracha v'Hatzlacha,

Gavriel Bellino

Kol Nidrei Campaign

10/10/2024 01:01:40 PM


Dear Friends,

Yom Kippur begins tomorrow night. Here's the short version of my appeal: Shul business is surprisingly expensive, so I need your help to continue to sustain and improve our unique synagogue. Click here to participate in the Kol Nidrei Appeal.

If you need more convincing, here is the longer version: The Sixth Street Community Synagogue is very much a locus of thoughtful, appropriate, never-judgmental, and often fun Modern Orthodox Judaism. We require your support to continue and to flourish.

We provide consistent and beautiful services, host events that attract a diverse audience, offer classes that are both rigorous and accessible, and serve delicious kiddushes, all while preserving and improving our 178 year old building. To function at this level is expensive and the income from collected membership is insufficient to cover our expenses. The upgrading of our security (both staff and hardware) post 10/7 has further complicated - and at times impeded - our ability to function at the level we would like. 

As you know, this project of Teshuva - the return to our higher selves and to God - requires that we re-evaluate, re-prioritize, and then re-affirm our commitment to those things (and people) that truly matter. I hope that our synagogue is on this list of things that matter and that you are able to partner with me in its great revitalization and success.

I am grateful to you for your support,

You can click here to participate in the Kol Nidrei Appeal.

Gmar Tov,

Gavriel Bellino, Rabbi

P.S. If you need a seat for Yom Kippur, please tell me. I know a guy.

Weekly Update: Shabbat Nitzavim Vayelekh 5784

09/26/2024 11:41:48 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Nitzavim Vayelekh 5784


Candle Lighting: 6:25 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 6:25 PM
Shema After: 7:24 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:48 AM
Naya's Bat Mitzvah Reading: 11:00 AM
Avot: 5:10 PM
Mincha: 6:10 PM
Seudah Shelishit 6:35 PM
Maariv: 7:13 PM
Musical Havdallah: 7:23 PM




Friday Night Kiddush has been sponsored by the Samra & Yudewitz Families in celebration of the birthday of Liat Yudewtiz.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been sponsored by the Samra & Yudewitz Families in celebration of the Bat Mitzvah of Naya Yudewitz.


Naya's Torah Service will follow the regular service and begin at approximately 11:00 AM.


Rabbi Bellino's class in Masekhet Avot will continue this week at 5:10 PM. This will be the final Avot class of the season.


Seudah Shelishit has been sponsored by the Samra & Yudewitz Families in celebration of the birthday of Rachel Yudewtiz.


This Saturday Night: Join us as we will gather for the first night of Selichot. Saturday Night, September 28th, Kumzitz at 10:00 PM, Torah from Rabbi Benjamin Birkeland, and Selichot at 10:45 PM.


Join us this - and every - Sunday morning at 8:30 AM for Shacharit, Shofar, and Bagels.





We wish a Mazal Tov to the Samra & Yudewitz Families upon Naya's Bat Mitzvah.

We are grateful to Gloria & Zach Dukoff who sponsored last week's Friday Night Kiddush.


We are grateful to Ellen R. Cherrick and Meryle Cherrick Saslow who sponsored last week's Kiddush in celebration of their upcoming completion of Tanakh Yomi. Tanakh Yomi is Rabbi Bellino's schedule for completing Tanakh in a year! It involves following the weekly Parsha on Shabbat and reading three chapters of Prophets/Writings on Sunday thru Friday. The Schedule for 5785 will be made available around Simchat Torah.


We will hold a Community Dinner on the First Night of Rosh HaShana (10/2). You may register here and be sure to let us know if you have any dietary requirements.  With Mincha that evening called for 6:20 PM, dinner will start at around 7:00 PM







High Holy Days


This has - most obviously - been a devastating year. The thought of a new year provokes some feelings of relief, but also - perhaps more so - anxious trepidation. It is comforting to know that we will come together as a community, inspired by Meir Shapiro and Neil Kitanik - our wonderful chazzanim. Do you intend on joining for Rosh HaShana and/or Yom Kippur services? Please communicate your High Holy Day intentions by replying to this email, and or sign up here.




Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:30 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.




Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.




FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM.


MASEKHET AVOT: A study of this 3rd Century anthology of teachings that serves as an introduction to Rabbinic Judaism. Shabbat Afternoons, One hour before Mincha. This Shabbat at 5:20 PM.




Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:


Falafel Tanami at 415 Greenwich Street

Fiddler's Glatt (Formerly East Side Glatt) at 500 Grand Street

Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South

Nome at 127 4th Avenue, New York, NY



We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to pick fights on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Ki Tavo 5784

09/19/2024 09:13:02 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Ki Tavo 5784


Candle Lighting: 6:37 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 6:40 PM
Shema After: 7:36 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:46 AM
Avot: 5:20 PM
Mincha: 6:20 PM
Seudah Shelishit 6:45 PM
Maariv: 7:24 PM
Havdallah: 7:35 PM




Friday Night Kiddush has been provided by the House. If you would like to sponsor this week's Friday night Kiddush, please let us know.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been sponsored by Ellen Cherrick and Roy Saslow in celebration of their upcoming completion of Tanakh Yomi. Tanakh Yomi is Rabbi Bellino's schedule for completing Tanakh in a year! It involves following the weekly Parsha on Shabbat and reading three chapters of Prophets/Writings on Sunday thru Friday. The Schedule for 5785 will be made available around Simchat Torah.


Rabbi Bellino's class in Masekhet Avot will continue this week at 5:20 PM.


Join us this - and every - Sunday morning at 8:30 AM for Shacharit and Bagels.




Please celebrate with us! Next Shabbat we will celebrate the Bat Mitzvah of Naya Yudewitz. Naya's Torah Service will follow the regular service and begin at approximately 11:00 AM.


Next Saturday Night: Join us as we will gather for the first night of Selichot. Saturday Night, September 28th, Kumzitz at 10:00 PM, Torah from Rabbi Benjamin Birkeland, and Selichot at 10:45 PM.


This Sunday: There will be an unveiling for our friend, Josh Siderowtz, on Sunday, September 22nd (1:15 PM) at Montefiore Cemetery.


Last week's Back to Shool Shabbat Dinner was a great success. We are particularly grateful to Dina & Kenny Candfield who organized it as well as to our sponsors: Dr. Sara & Michael Aingorn, Dina & Kenny Canfield, Gloria & Zachary Dukoff, and Alan Schwartz & Michael Sarid.


We will hold a Community Dinner on the first night of Rosh HaShana (10/2). You may register here and be sure to let us know if you have any dietary requirements.  With Mincha that evening called for 6:20 PM, dinner will start at around 7:00 PM


The High Holy Days are less than a two weeks away so we need your holiday reservations. This has - most obviously - been a devastating year. The thought of a new year provokes some feelings of relief, but also - perhaps more so - anxious trepidation. It's comforting to know that we will come together as a community, inspired by Meir Shapiro and Neil Kitanik - our wonderful chazzanim. Do you intend on joining for Rosh HaShana and/or Yom Kippur services? How many will be in your party? Please communicate your High Holy Day intentions by replying to this email, and or sign up here.



Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:30 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.

Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.




Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.




FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM.


MASEKHET AVOT: A study of this 3rd Century anthology of teachings that serves as an introduction to Rabbinic Judaism. Shabbat Afternoons, One hour before Mincha. This Shabbat at 5:20 PM.




Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:


Falafel Tanami at 415 Greenwich Street

Fiddler's Glatt (Formerly East Side Glatt) at 500 Grand Street

Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South

Nome at 127 4th Avenue, New York, NY



We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to pick fights on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Ki Teitzei 5784

09/12/2024 10:40:22 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Ki Teitzei 5784


Candle Lighting: 6:49 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 6:50 PM
Shema After: 7:48 PM
Back to Shool Dinner: 8:15 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:44 AM
Avot: 5:35 PM
Mincha: 6:35 PM
Seudah Shelishit 6:55 PM
Maariv: 7:37 PM
Havdallah: 7:47 PM




Friday Night Kiddush has been sponsored by the Bellino Family in honor of Dina & Kenny Canfield who organized this week's Back to Shool Dinner.


The Back to Shool Shabbat Dinner  will begin immediately following Friday Night Kiddush and is open to all those who registered for it. We are particularly grateful to our sponsors:

Dr. Sara & Michael Aingorn

Dina & Kenny Canfield

Alan Schwartz & Michael Sarid


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been sponsored by Avital & Max Vizelberg in celebration of the birth of their daughter, Agam Simcha.


Rabbi Bellino's class in Masekhet Avot will resume this week at 5:35 PM.


Join us this - and every - Sunday morning at 8:30 AM for Shacharit and Bagels.





Save the Date: Saturday Night, September 28th at 10 PM, we will gather for the first night

of Selichot.


There will be an unveiling for our friend, Josh Siderowtz, on Sunday, September 22nd (1:15 PM) at Montefiore Cemetery.


With the High Holy Days less than a month away, it is now time to begin preparing for our predictably beautiful and efficient services. This has - most obviously - been a devastating year. The thought of a new year provokes some feelings of relief, but also - perhaps more so - anxious trepidation. It's comforting to know that we will come together as a community, inspired by Meir Shapiro and Neil Kitanik - our wonderful chazzanim.


Do you intend on joining for Rosh HaShana and/or Yom Kippur services? How many will be in your party? Please communicate your High Holy Day intentions - and any questions or concerns - by replying to this email.


Family membership includes two free seats. Individual membership includes one free seat. Additional seats for members are $125 and all seats for non-members are $250.

  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here


Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:30 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.

Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.




Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM.


MASEKHET AVOT: A study of this 3rd Century anthology of teachings that serves as an introduction to Rabbinic Judaism. Shabbat Afternoons, One hour before Mincha. This Shabbat at 5:35 PM.




Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:


Falafel Tanami at 415 Greenwich Street

Fiddler's Glatt (Formerly East Side Glatt) at 500 Grand Street

Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to pick fights on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Shofetim 5784

09/05/2024 09:46:21 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Shofetim 5784


Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 PM
Candle Lighting: 7:00 PM
Shema After: 8:00 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:41 AM
Mincha: 6:45 PM
Seudah Shelishit 7:05 PM
Maariv: 7:49 PM
Havdallah: 7:59 PM




Friday Night Kiddush and Shabbat Morning Kiddush have been provided by the house.


Rabbi Bellino's class in Masekhet Avot will resume next week.


Join us this - and every - Sunday morning at 8:30 AM for Shacharit and Bagels.





We wish a Mazal Tov to Avital & Max Vizelberg upon the birth of their daughter, Agam Simcha.


Please join us for a Back to Shool Shabbat Dinner next Friday night (September 13th). The summer is over, so let's reconnect as a community. Sign up here.


Save the Date: Saturday Night, September 28th at 10 PM, we will gather for the first night of Selichot.


With the High Holy Days just a month away, it is now time to begin preparing for our predictably beautiful and efficient services. This has - most obviously - been a devastating year. The thought of a new year provokes some feelings of relief, but also - perhaps more so - anxious trepidation. It's comforting to know that we will come together as a community, inspired by Meir Shapiro and Neil Kitanik - our wonderful chazzanim.


Do you intend on joining for Rosh HaShana and/or Yom Kippur services? How many will be in your party? Please communicate your High Holy Day intentions - and any questions or concerns - by replying to this email.


Family membership includes two free seats. Individual membership includes one free seat. Additional seats for members are $125 and all seats for non-members are $250.

  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here


Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:30 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.

Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.




Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM.


MASEKHET AVOT: A study of this 3rd Century anthology of teachings that serves as an introduction to Rabbinic Judaism. Shabbat Afternoons, One hour before Mincha. This Shabbat at 6:30 PM.




Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:


Falafel Tanami at 415 Greenwich Street

Fiddler's Glatt (Formerly East Side Glatt) at 500 Grand Street

Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to pick fights on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Re'eh 5784

08/29/2024 10:37:46 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Re'eh 5784


Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 PM
Candle Lighting: 7:12 PM
Shema After: 8:12 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:39 AM
Avot: 5:55 PM
Mincha: 6:55 PM
Seudah Shelishit 7:15 PM
Maariv: 8:01 PM
Havdallah: 8:11 PM



We are STILL on Summer Schedule! Friday night services are held at 7:00 PM. (This is the last "early" Shabbat).


Friday Night Kiddush has been sponsored by the Bellino Family in celebration of the birthday of David Cody Dydek.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been provided by the house.


It's Labor Day Weekend, so many of us are away. Please try to come to services a little bit earlier than usual, so that we may start on time and end early.


Rabbi Bellino's class in Masekhet Avot will continue this Shabbat afternoon at 5:55 PM.





We wish a Mazal Tov to Vivian & Arthur Klaus upon the engagement of their son, Sean, to Carolyn Kassin


We wish a Continued Mazal Tov to Stephanie Entin & Jason Wald upon last the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Isaac, last Shabbat. Isaac read Torah magnificently and spoke beautifully and we couldn't be more proud of him,  


Join us this - and every - Sunday morning at 8:30 AM for Shacharit and Bagels.


Awakening to Presence: Ceremonial Song Circle - This Tuesday Night! Join Rabbi Yosef Goldman, Basya Schecter and Yoni Battat as they lead us through a heartfelt evening of song, prayer, and reflection. This unique gathering will equip us with tools to fully embrace the month of Teshuvah—a sacred time of turning and returning. In these complex times, let's lean into solidarity by creating a sacred space filled with song and prayer. Together, through our unified voice, our hearts beating as one, we will usher in the new season that Elul opens for us. This evening is co-sponsored by Sixth Street Community Synagogue and The Lab/Shul. Tickets are here.


We will be hosting a Back to Shul Shabbat Dinner on September 13th. Sign up here.


It's time to renew your membership. Your annual commitment is vital.

  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here


Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:30 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.

Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.




Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM.


MASEKHET AVOT: A study of this 3rd Century anthology of teachings that serves as an introduction to Rabbinic Judaism. Shabbat Afternoons, One hour before Mincha. This Shabbat at 6:30 PM.




Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:


Falafel Tanami at 415 Greenwich Street

Fiddler's Glatt (Formerly East Side Glatt) at 500 Grand Street

Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to pick fights on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Eikev 5784

08/22/2024 10:03:57 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Eikev 5784


Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 PM
Candle Lighting: 7:23 PM
Shema After: 8:23 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:37 AM
Avot: 6:05 PM
Mincha: 7:05 PM
Seudah Shelishit 7:25 PM
Maariv: 8:12 PM
Havdallah: 8:23 PM



We are on Summer Schedule! Friday night services are held at 7:00 PM. (It will stay this way thru September 6th!).


Friday Night Kiddush has been sponsored by Brenda Pace in observance of the yahtzeit of her brother, Robert Kaye.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been sponsored by Stephanie Entin & Jason Wald in celebration of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Isaac.


Rabbi Bellino's class in Masekhet Avot will continue this Shabbat afternoon at 6:05 PM.





We wish a Mazal Tov to Stephanie Entin & Jason Wald upon the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Isaac.


Join us this - and every - Sunday morning at 8:30 AM for Shacharit and Bagels.


We will be hosting a Shabbat Dinner on September 13th. Sign up here.


It's time to renew your membership. Your annual commitment is vital.

  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here


Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:30 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.

Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.




Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM.


MASEKHET AVOT: A study of this 3rd Century anthology of teachings that serves as an introduction to Rabbinic Judaism. Shabbat Afternoons, One hour before Mincha. This Shabbat at 6:30 PM.




Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:


Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to pick fights on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Vaetchanan (Nachamu) 5784

08/15/2024 10:58:01 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Vaetchanan (Nachamu 5784


Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 PM
Candle Lighting: 7:33 PM
Shema After: 8:34 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:34 AM
Avot: 6:20 PM
Mincha: 7:20 PM
Seudah Shelishit 7:40 PM
Maariv: 8:24 PM
Havdallah: 8:34 PM



We are on Summer Schedule! Friday night services are held at 7:00 PM. (It will stay this way thru September 6th!).


Friday Night Kiddush has been sponsored by Phoebe & Richard McBee in honor of Dr. Sam Fleischacker & Amy Reichert who are visiting this Shabbat.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been sponsored by Isaac Komin in celebration of the anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah. 


Rabbi Bellino's class in Masekhet Avot will resume this Shabbat afternoon at 6:20 PM.





We are grateful to Gloria & Zack Dukoff who sponsored last week's kiddush.


Join us this - and every - Sunday morning at 8:30 AM for Shacharit and Bagels.



It's time to renew your membership. Your annual commitment is vital.

  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here


Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:30 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.

Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.




Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM.


MASEKHET AVOT: A study of this 3rd Century anthology of teachings that serves as an introduction to Rabbinic Judaism. Shabbat Afternoons, One hour before Mincha. This Shabbat at 6:30 PM.




Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:


Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to pick fights on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Devarim (Chazon) 5784

08/08/2024 09:59:07 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Devarim (Chazon) 5784


Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 PM
Candle Lighting: 7:42 PM
Shema After: 8:45 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:31 AM
Avot: 6:25 PM
Mincha: 7:25 PM
Seudah Shelishit 7:25 PM
Maariv: 8:34 PM
Havdallah: 8:45 PM



We are on Summer Schedule! Friday night services are held at 7:00 PM. (It will stay this way thru September 6th!).


Friday Night Kiddush and Shabbat Morning Kiddush have been provided by the house. Please let us know if you would like to sponsor a Kiddush.


Rabbi Bellino's class in Masekhet Avot will resume this Shabbat afternoon at 6:25 PM.





Please join us as we observe Tisha b'Av as a community.


We will begin this Monday evening at  7:45 PM with Mincha, Maariv, Eicha and Kinnot. (Monday Night Eicha will be broadcast on Instagram).


Services will continue on Tuesday morning with an 8:00 AM Shacharit with Selected Kinnot to follow.) Rabbi Bellino will teach from 3-7 PM (on Zoom). The day will conclude with a 7:25 PM Mincha with Maariv to immediately follow.  


August 13, 3:00 PM - Bible Study: Lamentations Chapter III
Dial in: 1-929-436 2866
Meeting ID: 827 4920 0689


August 13, 5:00 PM - The Destructive Symposium
Dial in: 1-929-436 2866
Meeting ID: 827 4920 0689




It's time to renew your membership. Your annual commitment is vital.

  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here


Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:30 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.

Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.




Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM.


MASEKHET AVOT: A study of this 3rd Century anthology of teachings that serves as an introduction to Rabbinic Judaism. Shabbat Afternoons, One hour before Mincha. This Shabbat at 6:30 PM.




Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:


Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to pick fights on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Matot Masei 5784

08/01/2024 11:33:57 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Matot Masei 5784


Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 PM
Candle Lighting: 7:51 PM
Shema After: 8:54 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:28 AM
Mincha: 7:35 PM
Seudah Shelishit 7:55 PM
Maariv: 8:44 PM
Havdallah: 8:54 PM



We are on Summer Schedule! Friday night services are held at 7:00 PM. (It will stay this way thru September 6th!).


Friday Night Kiddush and Shabbat Morning Kiddush have been sponsored by the house.


Rabbi Bellino's class in Masekhet Avot will resume next Shabbat afternoon.





We wish a Mazal Tov to Romi Elias and Beau Goulding on their recent engagement.


This Shabbat we bless the New Moon of Av (with Rosh Chodesh observed on Tuesday).


Join us as we observe Tisha b'Av as a community. We will begin on Monday August 12th with Mincha, Maariv, and Eicha at 8:00 PM. Shacharit will be held the following morning at 8:00 AM with selected Kinnot to follow. Rabbi Bellino will teach two classes on Zoom on Tuesday afternoon.

  • Bible Study: Lamentations Chapter 3 - 3:00 PM
  • The Tisha b'Av Banquet: Multiple Versions of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza - 5:00 PM

Mincha will be held at 7:25 PM with Maariv to immediately follow.


It's time to renew your membership. Your annual commitment is vital.

  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here



Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:30 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.

Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.




Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM.


MASEKHET AVOT: A study of this 3rd Century anthology of teachings that serves as an introduction to Rabbinic Judaism. Shabbat Afternoons, One hour before Mincha. This Shabbat at 6:30 PM.




Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:


Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to pick fights on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Pinchas 5784

07/26/2024 10:05:21 AM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Pinchas 5784


Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 PM
Candle Lighting: 7:56 PM
Shema After: 9:03 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:25 AM
Avot: 6:45 PM
Mincha: 7:45 PM
Seudah Shelishit 8:05 PM
Maariv: 8:52 PM
Havdallah: 9:03 PM



We are on Summer Schedule! Friday night services are held at 7:00 PM. (It will stay this way thru September 6th!).


Friday Night Kiddush and Shabbat Morning Kiddush have been sponsored by the house.


Rabbi Bellino's class in Masekhet Avot will meet this Shabbat afternoon at 6:45 PM.





We wish a Mazal Tov to Tyler Crane and Aline Halpern on their recent wedding.



It's time to renew your membership. Your annual commitment is vital.

  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here



Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:30 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.

Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.




Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM.


MASEKHET AVOT: A study of this 3rd Century anthology of teachings that serves as an introduction to Rabbinic Judaism. Shabbat Afternoons, One hour before Mincha. This Shabbat at 6:30 PM.




Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:


Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to pick fights on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Balak 5784

07/18/2024 10:36:38 PM





Weekly Update: Shabbat Balak 5784



Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 PM
Candle Lighting: 8:04 PM
Shema After: 9:10 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:22 AM
Avot: 6:50 PM
Mincha: 7:50 PM
Seudah Shelishit 8:10 PM
Maariv: 9:00 PM
Havdallah: 9:10 PM



We are on Summer Schedule! Friday night services are held at 7:00 PM. (It will stay this way thru September 6th!).


Friday Night Kiddush has been sponsored by Jill & Zach Griff in celebration of Zach's glorious return to the Bimah for Friday Night Announcements.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been sponsored by the Crane Family in celebration of Tyler's Ufruf and his upcoming wedding to Aline Halpern.


Rabbi Bellino's class in Masekhet Avot will meet this Shabbat afternoon at 6:50 PM.





We wish a Mazal Tov to Tyler Crane and Aline Halpern on their upcoming wedding.


Please join us this Monday night for Unorthodox Comedy featuring Chani Lisbon, Mikey Greenblatt, Ami Kozak, Dovie Neuburger, and Eli Lebowicz. There will be an afterparty with DJ Matty Rosenhaus. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Israel Heart to Heartan organization that helps wounded IDF soldiers with their trauma. Buy tickets here.





It's time to renew your membership. Your annual commitment is vital.

  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here



Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:30 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.

Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.




Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM.


MASEKHET AVOT: A study of this 3rd Century anthology of teachings that serves as an introduction to Rabbinic Judaism. Shabbat Afternoons, One hour before Mincha. This Shabbat at 6:30 PM.




Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:


Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to pick fights on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more



Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Huqat 5784

07/12/2024 10:48:06 AM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Huqat 5784


Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 PM
Candle Lighting: 8:09 PM
Shema After: 9:16 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:19 AM
Avot: 6:55 PM
Mincha: 7:55 PM
Seudah Shelishit 8:15 PM
Maariv: 9:05 PM
Havdallah: 9:16 PM



We are on Summer Schedule! Friday night services are held at 7:00 PM. (It will stay this way thru September 6th!).


Join us this Friday Night for Musical Kabbalat Shabbat!


Friday Night Kiddush has been sponsored by the Bellino family in celebration of Richard McBee's upcoming birthday.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been sponsored by the Rosenfeld Family in honor of all those who participate in the weekly Shabbat Peaceful Walk to raise awareness of the hostages. An article about this walk recently appeared here.


Rabbi Bellino's class in Masekhet Avot will meet this Shabbat afternoon at 6:55 PM.






It's time to renew your membership. Your annual commitment is vital.

  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here



Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:30 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.

Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.




Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM.


MASEKHET AVOT: A study of this 3rd Century anthology of teachings that serves as an introduction to Rabbinic Judaism. Shabbat Afternoons, One hour before Mincha. This Shabbat at 6:30 PM.




Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:


Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to pick fights on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Korach 5784 (Rosh Chodesh)

07/05/2024 09:22:07 AM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Korach 5784 (Rosh Chodesh)


Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 PM
Candle Lighting: 8:12 PM
Shema After: 9:20 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:16 AM
Avot: 6:55 PM
Mincha: 7:55 PM
Seudah Shelishit 8:15 PM
Maariv: 9:09 PM
Havdallah: 9:20 PM



We are on Summer Schedule! Friday night services are held at 7:00 PM. (It will stay this way thru September 6th!).


Friday Night Kiddush has been sponsored by Phoebe & Richard McBee in the merit of a Refuah Shelaima for Yoheved Razel bat Cynthia.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush have been co-sponsored by:

  • Tracy Fogel & Jose Troche in observance of the first Yahrtzeit of Tracy's grandmother, Frances Birnbaum ז"ל.
  • Alan Schwartz in observance of the Yahrtzeits of his grandparents, Moshe & Matel Schawartz ז"ל.

Rabbi Bellino's class in Masekhet Avot will meet this Shabbat afternoon at 6:55 PM.





We wish a Mazal Tov to Isabel Eckstein & Alexander Mollozzi on their recent wedding.


It's time to renew your membership. Your annual commitment is vital.

  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here



Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:30 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.

Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.




Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM.



FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM.


MASEKHET AVOT: A study of this 3rd Century anthology of teachings that serves as an introduction to Rabbinic Judaism. Shabbat Afternoons, One hour before Mincha. This Shabbat at 6:30 PM.




Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:


Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to pick fights on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Shelach Lekha 5784

06/27/2024 11:02:00 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Shelach Lekha 5784


Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 PM
Candle Lighting: 8:13 PM
Shema After: 9:22 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:14 AM
Mincha: 8:00 PM
Seudah Shelishit 8:20 PM
Maariv: 9:11 PM
Havdallah: 9:22 PM



We are on Summer Schedule! Friday night services are held at 7:00 PM. (It will stay this way thru September 6th!).


Friday Night Kiddush and Shabbat Morning Kiddush have been provide by the house. If you would like to sponsor either, please contact us.


Rabbi Bellino's class in Masekhet Avot will not meet this Shabbat.





We wish a Mazal Tov to Isabel Eckstein & Alexander Mollozzi on their upcoming wedding this Friday afternoon. 


It's time to renew your membership. Your annual commitment is vital.

  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here




Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:30 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.

Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.




Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM.



FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM.


MASEKHET AVOT: A study of this 3rd Century anthology of teachings that serves as an introduction to Rabbinic Judaism. Shabbat Afternoons, One hour before Mincha. This Shabbat at 6:30 PM.




Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:


Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to pick fights on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

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Weekly Update: Shabbat Behaalotekha 5784

06/21/2024 08:47:47 AM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Behaalotekha 5784


Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 PM
Candle Lighting: 8:12 PM
Shema After: 9:22PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:12 AM
Avot: 7:00 AM
Mincha: 8:00 PM
Seudah Shelishit 8:20 PM
Maariv: 9:11 PM
Havdallah: 9:22 PM



We are on Summer Schedule! Friday night services are held at 7:00 PM. (It will stay this way thru September 6th!).


Join us THIS Friday night for Musical Kabbalat ShabbatRabbi Bellino will play the guitar until the conclusion of Lecha Dodi.


Friday Night Kiddush has been sponsored by the Bellino Family in celebration of the upcoming birthday of Cori Robinson.


Kiddush Club has been sponsored by Avi Beluca in celebration of the return of Choni Bellino from a year of study in Jerusalem.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been sponsored by Alexander Mollozzi & Isabel Eckstein in celebration of Alex's Ufruf.


Rabbi Bellino's class in Masekhet Avot will meet at 6:55 this Shabbat afternoon.







It's time to renew your membership. Your annual commitment is vital.

  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here




Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:30 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.

Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.




Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM.



FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM.


MASEKHET AVOT: A study of this 3rd Century anthology of teachings that serves as an introduction to Rabbinic Judaism. Shabbat Afternoons, One hour before Mincha. This Shabbat at 6:30 PM.




Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:


Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to pick fights on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Father's Day Kiddush

06/14/2024 04:42:37 PM


Tomorrow we will hold our Annual Father's Day Kiddush! (If you wish to be included, please click here.) We are grateful to the following sponsors:


Choni Bellino, Keshet Bellino, & Cori Robinson

*In Honor of Gavriel Bellino and Victor Bellino,

*In Memory of Sigmund Robinson, Earl Simmons (DMX), and Artis Leon Ivey Jr. (Coolio)

Norma & Victor Bellino

*In Honor of Gavriel Bellino and Victor Bellino.  

*In Memory of Ziggy Robinson, Sydney Smith and Vito Bellino

Avi Beluca

*In Memory of his father, Meir ben Avraham

Kenny & Dina Canfield
*In Honor of Shalom Benzaquen
*In Memory of Doug Canfield

Ellen R. Cherrick
*In Memory of William Cherrick ז“ל, Moshe Chaim Katz ז“ל, and Shlomo Moshe Cherrick ז“ל
Suzanne Dance, Harry Obin, & Nina Obin
*In Honor of Andrew Obin
*In Memory of Mark Dance

Cantor Raphael Frieder
*In Memory of his father, HaRav Emanuel Elimelech Frieder

Jackie, Samson, Rocky, & James Moby Furst
• In Honor of Zev Furst & Neil Kay

Steven Greene
*In memory of his mother, Edna Greene, and his father, Hyman Greene

Vivian, Sean, Marlowe, Vivian Rose, & Betty Ray Klaus

• In Honor of Mr. Arthur Klaus, Mr. Richard Cohen,  Mr. Ryan Klaus and Mr. Richie Dayon

• In Memory of Rabbi Benjamin Levy, Mr. Samuel Klaus, Mr. Lester Klaus, Mr. Willie Chomsky, Mr. Simcha Perski,  Mr. Jacob Attias, and Eli Nachmani

Ariel & Jordan Lerman

*In Honor of Nathan Lerman and Amir Matityahu

Richard & Phoebe McBee
*In Honor of Richard McBee and Matthew Hertzberg

*In Memory of Julius Zablow and Carl McBee

Joan Nachmani

• In Honor of Michael Nachmani, Jonathan Nachmani, Ryan Klaus, and Mr. William Perski

• In Memory of Eli Nachmani, Mr. Simcha Perski, Mr. Jacob Attias, Rabbi Benjamin Levy, and Mr. Samuel Klaus

Brenda Pace

• In Memory of Dr. Martin L. Kaye

• In Honor of Matthew Pace and Jonathan Wimbish


The Rosenfeld Family

• In Honor of Bezalel Rosenfeld


Isobel Rubin

• In Memory of Alexander Byer

The Ruffer Family

• In Honor of Paul Ruffer

Alan Schwartz

*In Memory of his father, William Schwartz, and his grandfathers, Moshe Schwartz and Mordechai Shlomo Konigsberg

Yael Scolnick

*In Toleration of Yael's current and future boyfriends

Pnina Silver

*In Honor of Abraham Elie,Yosef Elie, and Cory Baker.

*In Memory of Dr.William Silver, Menashe Elie, Yosef Elie, Abraham Goldman, and Eitan Davis

Daniela Sirotti
*In Memory of Giulio Sirotti

*In honor of Giorgio Sirotti e Lorenzo Scapin

Stephanie & Isaac Wald

*In Honor of Jason Wald

Shelly, Elie, Naya, Liat, & Chachi Yudewitz

*In Honor of Avraham Shetrit, Eli Samra, Abe Samra, Abe Krikhely, Aryea Aranoff, Bruce, Uri, Elie & Efraim Yudewitz

*In Honor of everyone who calls Elie "Tatty"



Email for more information.

Happy Father's Day

Weekly Update: Shabbat Nasso 5784

06/14/2024 11:30:37 AM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Nasso 5784


Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 PM
Candle Lighting: 8:10 PM
Shema After: 9:20 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:10 AM
Avot: 6:55 AM
Mincha: 7:55 PM
Seudah Shelishit 8:15 PM
Maariv: 9:09 PM
Havdallah: 9:20 PM



We are on Summer Schedule! That means that Friday night services are held at 7:00 PM. (It will stay this way thru September 6th!).


Friday Night Kiddush has been provided by the house.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been sponsored by several individuals and families in celebration of Father's Day. For $54 you can be named as a contributor, and everyone is welcome to attend. The names of your sons, fathers, grandfathers, teachers, or virtually anyone you choose, will be listed. This list will be read aloud in shul. To participate click here.


Rabbi Bellino's class in Masekhet Avot will meet at 6:55 this Shabbat afternoon.





Shavuot was a great success. We are grateful to our Shavuot sponsors: Avi Belluca, Dina & Kenny Canfield, Ellen R. Cherrick, Suzanne Dance & Andrew Obin, Leah Forster & Dr. Risa Ravitz, Dana Friedman, The Liberman Family, Rhonda & David Malkin, Alan Schwartz & Michael Sarid, Roberta & Sydney Steinhardt, Shelly & Elie Yudewitz, and Natalie & Garrett Zwahlen.


Join us next Friday night for Musical Kabbalat Shabbat. Rabbi Bellino will play the guitar until the conclusion of Lecha Dodi.


It's time to renew your membership. Your annual commitment is vital.

  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here




Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:30 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.

Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.




Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM.



FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM.


MASEKHET AVOT: A study of this 3rd Century anthology of teachings that serves as an introduction to Rabbinic Judaism. Shabbat Afternoons, One hour before Mincha. This Shabbat at 6:30 PM.




Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:


Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to pick fights on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Father's Day Kiddush

06/13/2024 09:22:06 PM


This Shabbat, June 15th, we will hold our Annual Father's Day Kiddush! For $54 you can be named as a contributor, and the names of your sons, fathers, grandfathers, teachers - or virtually anyone you choose - will be listed. Please specify "in honor of" or "in memory of" in the notes when you make your payment. This list will be read aloud in shul, as well as distributed at the Kiddush.

Email for more information.

You can submit payment here or by venmo.
Happy Father's Day

Shavuot 5784

06/10/2024 10:53:17 PM


Erev Shavuot - Tuesday, June 11

Candle Lighting: 8:09 PM
Mincha: 8:10 PM
Maariv: 8:27 PM
Shavuot Dinner: 8:45 PM
Shema after: 9:18 PM
Torah Study: Forgetfulness 9:45 PM

 Shavuot I - Wednesday, June 12th

Shacharit:                                                   9:00 AM
Shema Before: 9:10 AM
Asseret HaDibrot: 10:15 AM

A Dairy Kiddush has been sponsored by the Bellino Family
in observance of the Yahrtzeit of Reuben Goldberg
- Norma's uncle - and in observance of the Yahrtzeit
of Jenny Blinder - Norma's grandmother.

Mincha: 8:10 PM
Candle Lighting (From pre-existing flame) after: 9:18 PM
Maariv: 8:52 PM
Shema after: 9:18 PM


Shavuot II - Thursday, June 13th

Shacharit:                                                   9:00 AM
Shema Before: 9:10 AM
Megillat Rut: 10:00 AM
Yizkor: 10:40 AM

A Dairy Kiddush has been sponsored by
Jacob & Julianne Bohm Schorr
in memory of Julie’s grandparents, David (דוד)
and Regina (רבקה) Bohm
, and their community
who were transported to Auschwitz on Shavuot (1944).


Mincha: 8:10 PM
Maariv:                                             9:10 PM
Havdalla: 9:19 PM


We very much look forward to seeing all those of you who have RSVPed for the Shavuot Diinner. Dinner will begin at approximately 8:45 PM immediately following Mincha/Maariv at 8:10 PM.

After dinner, Rabbi Bellino will present: Forgetfulness, the Vacation of Elazar ben Arkah.

We are grateful to our dinner sponsors: Dina & Kenny Canfield, Ellen R. Cherrick, Suzanne Dance & Andrew Obin, Leah Forster & Dr. Risa Ravitz, Dana Friedman, The Liberman Family, Rhonda & David Malkin, Alan Schwartz & Michael Sarid, Roberta & Sydney Steinhardt, Shelly & Elie Yudewitz, and Natalie & Garrett Zwahlen.

With the new fiscal year beginning on June 1st, it is once again time for us to encourage membership, asking you to formalize and renew your annual commitments to our synagogueMembership dues go a long way in supporting our operating expenses, enhancing our thoughtful and unique programming, and allowing us to make many essential repairs and aesthetic improvements to our 175-year-old building. Your partnership in our rebuilding and revitalization is more important than ever. 

Membership has almost no privileges.

But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.


Weekly Update: Shabbat Bemidbar 5784

06/07/2024 05:05:08 AM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Bemidbar 5784


Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 PM
Candle Lighting: 8:07 PM
Sefira After: 8:25 PM
Shema After: 9:17 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:10 AM
Avot: 6:55 AM
Mincha: 7:55 PM
Seudah Shelishit 8:15 PM
Maariv: 9:06 PM
Havdallah: 9:17 PM



We are on Summer Schedule! That means that Friday night services are held at 7:00 PM. (It will stay this way thru September 6th!).


Friday Night Kiddush has been provided by the house.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been sponsored by Kenny & Dina Candfield and family in memory of Kenny's father. Doug Canfield, and in gratitude for the support of the Sixth Street Community Synagogue.


Rabbi Bellino's class in Masekhet Avot will meet at 6:55 this Shabbat afternoon.





We wish a Mazal Tov to Sara & Michael Aingorn who were recently honored as Patrons of Education at the Park East Synagogue and Day School annual dinner.


This Sunday there will be a Shloshim on Zoom for our friend, Josh Siderowitz ז"ל. If you are interested in participating please let us know and we will supply the link.


It's time to renew your membership. Your annual commitment is vital.

  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

Please join us on June 11th, for a light dairy Shavuot dinner, followed by Torah study with Rabbi Gavriel Bellino. Immediately following Mincha/Maariv, dinner will begin at 8:45 PM. After dinner, Rabbi Bellino will teach about the problem of forgetting Torah. This event is free, but we ask that you register so that we may adequately prepare. Your sponsorship of this event would be greatly appreciated. Click here.


Father's Day Kiddush is next Shabbat. For $54 you can be named as a contributor, and everyone is welcome to attend. The names of your sons, fathers, grandfathers, teachers, or virtually anyone you choose, will be listed. Please specify in the Notes section below "In Honor of" or "In Memory of." You may list as many people as you wish. This list will be read aloud in shul, as well as distributed at the Kiddush. This is a MEAT kiddush.You can register for it here.




Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:30 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.

Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.




Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM.



FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM.


MASEKHET AVOT: A study of this 3rd Century anthology of teachings that serves as an introduction to Rabbinic Judaism. Shabbat Afternoons, One hour before Mincha. This Shabbat at 6:30 PM.




Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bonito at 31 West 17th Street

Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to pick fights on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Membership Drive 2023

05/31/2024 01:48:22 PM


Dear Friends,

With the new fiscal year beginning tomorrow, it is once again time for us to encourage membership, asking you to formalize and renew your annual commitments to our synagogue.

Membership dues go a long way in supporting our operating expenses, enhancing our thoughtful and unique programming, and allowing us to make many essential repairs and aesthetic improvements to our 177-year-old building. Your partnership in our rebuilding and revitalization is more important than ever. 

There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.

Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate  $300
Student $150
  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.

  • Should you prefer, membership payments may be made in installments. You can easily arrange this through our website and/or with the help of our office.
  • If you have recently paid membership, please ignore this request. If you - for whatever reason - generally pay membership at another time of the year, you may continue to do so.
  • If you are having financial difficulty meeting the membership dues obligations, please contact our Rabbi or Treasurer to discuss alternate financial arrangements. All conversations will be kept confidential.

Membership to our synagogue comes with no privileges, but your support is essential to our important work. Thank you - once again - for being a part of our great renewal.

Elie Yudewitz, President
Tali Zilberman, Secretary
Alan Schwartz, Treasurer
Gavriel Bellino, Rabbi

Weekly Update: Shabbat Bechukotai 5784

05/30/2024 11:38:21 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Bechukotai 5784


Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 PM
Candle Lighting: 8:02 PM
Sefira After: 8:20 PM
Shema After: 9:11 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:10 AM
Mincha: 7:50 PM
Seudah Shelishit 8:10 PM
Maariv: 8:54 PM
Havdallah: 9:11 PM



We are on Summer Schedule! That means that Friday night services are held at 7:00 PM. (It will stay this way thru September 6th!).


Friday Night Kiddush has been sponsored by Avi Beluca.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been co-sponsored by:

  • The Liberman Family in observance of the first Yahrtzeit of Barnet Liberman (Avraham Dov ben Moshe).
  • Shimmy Rapps in observance of the Yahrtzeit of his mother, Fay Rapps (Feiga Necha bat Avraham Chaim Yehuda Hakohen).
  • Brenda Pace and Alan Schwartz in celebration of all the June birthdays (especially their own!).

Rabbi Bellino's class in Masekhet Avot will resume next week.


Seudah Shelishit has been sponsored by Avi Beluca in observance of the Yahrtzeit of his father Meir Beluca (Meir ben Miriam).





We wish a Mazal Tov to Vivian & Arthur Klaus upon the birth of their granddaughter, Betty Ray Klaus, born to Marlowe & Ryan Klaus


Please join us on June 11th, for a light dairy Shavuot dinner, followed by Torah study with Rabbi Gavriel Bellino. Immediately following Mincha/Maariv, dinner will begin at 8:45 PM

This event is free, but we ask that you register so that we may adequately prepare. Your sponsorship of this event would be greatly appreciated. Click here.


Father's Day Kiddush is just 'round the corner. For $54 you can be named as a contributor, and everyone is welcome to attend. The names of your sons, fathers, grandfathers, teachers, or virtually anyone you choose, will be listed. Please specify in the Notes section below "In Honor of" or "In Memory of." You may list as many people as you wish. This list will be read aloud in shul, as well as distributed at the Kiddush. This is a MEAT kiddush.You can register for it here.




Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:30 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour. (Please note that the walk will be held a half hour later than it previously has been.

Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.




Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM.



FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM.


MASEKHET AVOT: A study of this 3rd Century anthology of teachings that serves as an introduction to Rabbinic Judaism. Shabbat Afternoons, One hour before Mincha. This Shabbat at 6:30 PM.




Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bonito at 31 West 17th Street

Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to pick fights on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Behar 5784

05/24/2024 06:47:16 AM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Behar 5784


Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 PM
Candle Lighting: 7:57 PM
Sefira After: 8:15 PM
Shema After: 9:05 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:12 AM
Academic Avot: 6:45 PM
Mincha: 7:45 PM
Seudah Shelishit 8:05 PM
Maariv: 8:54 PM
Havdallah: 9:05 PM



We are on Summer Schedule! That means that Friday night services are held at 7:00 PM. (It will stay this way thru September 6th!).


Friday Night Kiddush has been sponsored by the Robinson/Bellino family in observance of the upcoming Yahrtzeit of Peggy Robinson, Cori's mother.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been provided by the house. Let us know if you want to help us with this. Don't worry, it's not bad kiddush.


This Shabbat afternoon (at 6:45 PM), we will continue our class in Masekhet Avot. Rabbi Bellino will present this foundational text using both traditional and academic approaches. Avotinis will be served.






Father's Day Kiddush is just 'round the corner. For $54 you can be named as a contributor, and everyone is welcome to attend. The names of your sons, fathers, grandfathers, teachers, or virtually anyone you choose, will be listed. Please specify in the Notes section below "In Honor of" or "In Memory of." You may list as many people as you wish. This list will be read aloud in shul, as well as distributed at the Kiddush. This is a MEAT kiddush.You can register for it here.




Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:30 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour. (Please note that the walk will be held a half hour later than it previously has been.

Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.




Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM.



FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM.


MASEKHET AVOT: A study of this 3rd Century anthology of teachings that serves as an introduction to Rabbinic Judaism. Shabbat Afternoons, One hour before Mincha. This Shabbat at 6:30 PM.




Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bonito at 31 West 17th Street

Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to pick fights on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Emor 5784

05/17/2024 12:15:45 AM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Emor 5784


Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 PM
Candle Lighting: 7:50 PM
Shema After: 8:58 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:14 AM
Academic Avot: 6:35 PM
Mincha: 7:35 PM
Seudah Shelishit 7:55 PM
Maariv: 8:47 PM
Havdallah: 8:58 PM



We are on Summer Schedule! That means that Friday night services are held at 7:00 PM. (It will stay this way thru September 6th!).


Friday Night Kiddush has been sponsored by Rabbi Gavriel Bellino in observance of the upcoming Yahrtzeit of his great grandmother, Anna Nicole Smith (יענטע בת בערל).


Shabbat Kiddush is bad. Really bad. It's Bad Kiddush: A Throwback to the Terrible Kiddushes You Grew Up Hating." As we often say: Kiddush sponsorship is temporary. Jarred gefilte fish lasts forever.


This Shabbat afternoon (at 6:35 PM), we will continue our class in Masekhet Avot. Rabbi Bellino will present this foundational text using both traditional and academic approaches. Avotinis will be served.






We offer Blessings of Consolation to the Canfield family upon the passing of Douglas Canfield (משה בן שמעון הכהן), father of Kenny (& Dina) Canfield.


We are grateful to the more than 25 individuals and families who co-sponsored last week's Kiddush in celebration of Mother's Day. Father's Day Kiddush is just 'round the corner. You can register for it here.




Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:30 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour. (Please note that the walk will be held a half hour later than it previously has been.

Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.




Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM.



FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM.


MASEKHET AVOT: A study of this 3rd Century anthology of teachings that serves as an introduction to Rabbinic Judaism. Shabbat Afternoons, One hour before Mincha. This Shabbat at 6:30 PM.




Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bonito at 31 West 17th Street

Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to pick fights on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Mother's Day Kiddush

05/10/2024 04:19:04 PM


Tomorrow we will hold our Annual Mother's Day Kiddush! We are grateful to our many sponsors. You can still participate by clicking here.

Happy Mother's Day!

Cori Robinson, Gavriel, Choni & Keshet Bellino
*In Honor of Norma Bellino & Cori Robinson
*In Memory of Accursia Bellino & Peggy Robinson

Norma & Victor Bellino
*In Honor of Norma Bellino & Cori Robinson
*In Memory of Accursia Bellino, Gertrude Smith, Jean Goldberg, & Peggy Robinson

Avi Beluca
*In Memory of Tzippora Beluca

Suzanne Dance & Andrew Obin
*In Honor of Suzanne Dance, Tamara Pankova, & Dee Dance
*In Memory of Suzana Obuvalina

Dina & Kenny Canfield
*In Honor of Miriam Benzaquen & Gwenn Canfield

Ellen R. Cherrick
*In Memory of Udy Katz Cherrick ז“ל, Chaya Liba Cherrick ז“ל,  & Eva Katz Feigenbaum ז“ל

Gloria Epstein & Zachary Dukoff
*In Honor of Sharyn Dukoff, Marilyn Dukoff, Roslyn Jacobson, & Lilya Epstein

Dana Friedman
*In Honor of Gaby Wohlfarth

Samson, Rocky & James Moby Furst
*In Honor of Jackie Furst
*In Memory of Rhoda Kay & Sandy Furst

Steven Greene
*In Memory of his sister, Sheri Lynn Greene, who passed on 05/20/2020

Gloria Karpas
*In Memory of her mother, Sarah Simon

Vivian & Arthur Klaus
*In Honor of Vivian Klaus, Marlowe Klaus, Elka Cohen, Aviva Levy, Joan Nachmani, Michelle Nachmani, & Rebecca Nachmani
*In Memory of Mrs. Gertrude Levy, Mrs. Bessie Klaus, Mrs. Rosalie Klaus Sohn, Mrs. Esther Klaus, & Mrs. Pesia Perski

Knock Knock Give a Sock
*In Honor of our neighbors who are mothers living in local homeless shelters and on our streets

Matan Leibovich
*In Honor of Miri Leibovich, Efrat Ben-Avi, Moria Bienenstock, Lihie Katziri, Mychal Springer, Tamar Springer & Anna Rosen
*In Memory of Hannah Gelber, Ida Leibovich, & Tova Springer

David Lessman
*In Memory of Eva Lessman & Rita Morganbesser

Leslie Levinson
*In Memory of her mother, Alice Schiff Levinson, and grandmothers, Sylvia Schiff & Bessie Levinson
*In Honor of Leslie Wynne Levinson and her two daughters who are not yet mothers, Brina Chu & Malka Chu

Rhonda, David, Annielle, Talia, & Ilan Malkin
*In Celebration of Rhonda’s 46th birthday today.
*In Honor of Rhonda Malkin, Rachel Malkin, Sharon Bernstein,  & Carole Basri (our East Coast Mom).
*In Memory of Thelma Bernstein  & Anne Dann Luborsky

Richard McBee
*In Honor of Phoebe McBee, Nora Zablow, Julia McBee, Izzy Hertzberg, & Sandy Hertzberg
*In Memory of Clara Danziger, Adele Zablow, & Ruth McBee

Becky & Jonathan Nachmani
*In Honor of Joan Nachmani

Joan Nachmani
*In Honor of Michelle Nachmani, Rebecca Nachmani,  Vivian Klaus, Marlowe Klaus, Lillian Stein, Peggy Epstein, & Leslie Perski
*In Memory of Mrs. Pesia  Perski, Mrs. Chana Nachmani, Mrs. Gertrude Levy, & Mrs. Bessie Klaus

Brenda Pace
*In Memory of Ruth Spitzer Kaye

Avi & Issac (aka Ziggy) Popack
*In Honor of Adina Lichtman
*In Memory of Grandma Chanka Goldkorn, Grandma Roz Lichtman, Grandma Rita Freilech & Savta Sarah Popack

Modi Rosenfeld & Leo Veiga
*In Honor of Batia Rosenfeld

Danielle Schaefer
*In Honor of Pam Schaefer
*In Memory of Anne Goetz , Marce Schaefer, Sarah Keshlonsky, Rose Keshlonsky, & Sophie Lubka.

Alan G. Schwartz
*In Honor of Bernice Schwartz & Robin Schwartz-Jacobs
*In Memory of Matel Schwartz ז“ל  & Frimit Konigsberg ז“ל

Pnina Silver
*In Honor of Yael Baker
*In Memory of Helen Silver, Rachel Elie, & Sheila Davis

Avital & Max Vizelberg
*In Honor of Heidi Vizelberg

Shelly & Elie Yudewitz
*In Honor of Sharon Yudewitz, Yaffa Samra, Selma Yudewitz, Simcha Samra, Bernice Danis, Zahari Shitrit, Sharon Krikhely, Rachel Yudewitz, Jessica Yudewitz, Liron Samra, Shelly Yudewitz, & YOUR MOM


Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785