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Weekly Update: Shabbat Tzav (Parah) 5784

03/28/2024 04:56:17 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Tzav (Parah) 5784


Candle Lighting: 7:00 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:00 PM
Shema After: 8:01 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:51 AM
Mincha: 6:45 PM
Maariv: 7:05 PM
Havdallah: 7:51 PM
Maariv/Megillah: 8:01 PM



Friday Night Kiddush and Shabbat Morning Kiddush have been sponsored by the house.






We offer Blessings of to Jon Moskowitz on the passing of his father, Dr. Elliott Moskowitz.


We are now on Summer Schedule! That means that Friday night services will be held at 7:00 PM. It will be this way thru September 6th!


We are grateful to this year's Sponsors of Purim Chaos:  Norma & Victor Bellino, Dr. Jeremy Block, Dina & Kenny "the Kohen" Canfield, Suzanne Dance & Andrew & Obin, Gloria & Zachary Dukoff, Drs. Jane & Drore Eisen, Jackie & Donny Furst, Romi Elias & Beau Goulding, Ken Grumer, Ariel & Nathan Lerman, The Liberman Family, Isabel Eckstein & Alexander Mollozzi, The Rosenfeld Family, Paul & Phyllis Ruffer, Alan "Bubbles" Schwartz, Victoria Scolnik, Roberta & Sydney Steinhardt, Harry Weinstein, Amy & Zev Wiesen, and Shelly & Elie Yudewitz.


Bad Kiddush is coming! If we don't have a sponsor, then next Shabbat will be "Bad Kiddush: A Throwback to the Terrible Kiddushes You Grew Up Hating. As we often say: Kiddush sponsorship is temporary. Jarred gefilte fish lasts forever.


Tax Reports for 2023 are available. If you require a summary of your donations please email us.


Unorthodox Comedy is back! Come laugh with us on April 11th as we raise funds for the IDF and bring light into the world! Featuring co headlining sets by Mikey Greenblatt who is just back from performing in Israel and Chani Lisbon who is fresh off the Laugh Factory stage in LA! Doors at 7:30 PM and the show is at 8:30 PM. Tickets may be purchased here.






Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:00 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. Will resume after Passover.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM. This week: Foundations of Passover Preparation.






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bonito at 31 West 17th Street

Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Vayiqra (Zachor) 5784

03/22/2024 12:01:15 AM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Vayiqra (Zachor) 5784


Candle Lighting: 6:53 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 6:55 PM
Shema After: 7:53 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:58 AM
Mincha: 6:40 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 7:00 PM
Shabbat Ends: 7:53 PM
Maariv/Megillah: 8:30 PM



Friday Night Kiddush and has been sponsored by Choni Bellino in celebration of Yom Nicanor. Yom Nicanor is an ancient Jewish feast day celebrating the demise of the Seleucid general, Nicanor, at the hands of Judah Maccabee in 161 BCE (years after the Chanukah story).


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been sponsored by the Rosenfeld Family in celebration of Purim and Moshiach Energy.





We are grateful to this year's Sponsors of Purim Chaos:  Norma & Victor Bellino, Dr. Jeremy Block, Dina & Kenny "the Kohen" Canfield, Suzanne Dance & Andrew & Obin, Gloria & Zachary Dukoff, Drs. Jane & Drore Eisen, Romi Elias & Beau Goulding, Ken Grumer, Ariel & Nathan Lerman, Isabel Eckstein & Alexander Mollozzi, The Rosenfeld Family, Paul & Phyllis Ruffer, Alan "Bubbles" Schwartz, Victoria Scolnik, Roberta & Sydney Steinhardt, and Shelly & Elie Yudewitz. To join them, click here.


Bad Kiddush averted! It looks like we have sponsors for the next several weeks. "Bad Kiddush: A Throwback to the Terrible Kiddushes You Grew Up Hating, will be held on April 6th, Shabbat Shemini, unless someone sponsors it. As we often say: Kiddush sponsorship is temporary. Jarred gefilte fish lasts forever.


Tax Reports for 2023 are available. If you require a summary of your donations please email us.




Purim begins March 23rd. (That's this Saturday night!). Shabbat will conclude at 7:53 PM. We will gather for Maariv at 8:30 PM and then immediately read the Megillah. Following the Megillah there will be a celebration in our Social Hall.


On Sunday morning, March 24th, we will convene an 8:30 AM Shacharit which will be followed by the Megillah at 9:00 AM.


On Sunday, from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM, we will host our annual Children’s Purim Party. Join us in our social hall for fun, arts and crafts, and song. The event is free and everyone is invited to attend-and please bring your friends! If you are coming, please register here so we know how many to expect.



Purim Charity - Matanot L'Evyonim (gifts to the poor) is arguably the most important mitzvah of Purim. In the course of our own joy, we make it our duty to share with others, thus amplifying the spirit of unity that we read about in the Megillah, and extending the divine generosity shown to our people. In the spirit of modern Religious Humanism, we extend this kindness to both our Jewish and non-Jewish neighbors. This Purim we will again partner with the Masbia Soup Kitchen Network and Knock Knock Give a Sock, in providing gifts to those in our neighborhood who truly need our assistance. We will also be supporting several Matanot L'Evyonim projects in Israel that support those in need. You may make a donation here or Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue (be sure to specify Purim Charity!). Of course you may also bring in a check (made out to Sixth Street Community Synagogue Rabbi's Discretionary) or cash before or on Purim.




Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:00 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalm 30.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM.






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bonito at 31 West 17th Street

Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Pequdei 5784

03/14/2024 09:52:35 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Pequdei 5784


Candle Lighting: 6:45 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 6:45 PM
Shema After: 7:46 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 10:05 AM
Mincha: 6:30 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 6:50 PM
Maariv: 7:36 PM
Havdallah: 7:46 PM



Friday Night Kiddush and has been sponsored by the Bellino Family in memory of Gertrude Smith, Gavriel's grandmother.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been sponsored by Jacob & Julie Schorr in celebration of Alexander Bergstein-Schorr's first birthday.






Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM for our Shacharit Minyan.


Bad Kiddush averted! It looks like we have sponsors for the next several weeks. "Bad Kiddush: A Throwback to the Terrible Kiddushes You Grew Up Hating, will be held on April 6th, Shabbat Shemini, unless someone sponsors it. As we often say: Kiddush sponsorship is temporary. Jarred gefilte fish lasts forever.


Tax Reports for 2023 are available. If you require a summary of your donations please email us.





Purim begins March 23rd. (That's next Saturday night!) Shabbat will conclude at 7:53 PM. We will gather for Maariv at 8:30 PM and then immediately read the Megillah. Following the Megillah there will be a celebration in our Social Hall.


On Sunday morning, March 24th, we will convene an 8:30 AM Shacharit which will be followed by the Megillah at 9:00 AM.


That Sunday, from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM, we will host our annual Children’s Purim Party. Join us in our social hall for fun, arts and crafts, and song. The event is free and everyone is invited to attend-and please bring your friends! If you are coming, please register here so we know how many to expect.


Sponsorship - The Committee for Purim Chaos is actively plotting various chaotic activities that require some financial support as well as assistance in setting up. For more information and/or to sponsor something, please click to our Purim Chaos page.


Purim Charity - Matanot L'Evyonim (gifts to the poor) is arguably the most important mitzvah of Purim. In the course of our own joy, we make it our duty to share with others, thus amplifying the spirit of unity that we read about in the Megillah, and extending the divine generosity shown to our people. In the spirit of modern Religious Humanism, we extend this kindness to both our Jewish and non-Jewish neighbors. This Purim we will again partner with the Masbia Soup Kitchen Network and Knock Knock Give a Sock, in providing gifts to those in our neighborhood who truly need our assistance. We will also be supporting several Matanot L'Evyonim projects in Israel that support those in need. You may make a donation here or Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue (be sure to specify Purim Charity!). Of course you may also bring in a check (made out to Sixth Street Community Synagogue Rabbi's Discretionary) or cash before or on Purim.




Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:00 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalm 30.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM.






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bonito at 31 West 17th Street

Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Vayaqhel 5784

03/08/2024 10:07:50 AM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Vayaqhel 5784


Candle Lighting: 5:37 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 5:40 PM
Shema After: 6:38 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:11 AM
Mincha: 5:25 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 5:45 PM
Maariv: 6:28 PM
Havdallah: 6:38 PM



Friday Night Kiddush and has been provided by the House.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been sponsored by the Zilberman / Neuhaus Family in observance of the Yahrtzeit of Henry Zilberman.






We wish a Mazel Tov to Chaski Naor on the birth of his daughter, Lia Pearl.


We extend Blessings of Consolation to our members, Cathy & Amir Koren, on the passing of Amir's sister, Gila Peretz.


Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM for our Shacharit Minyan.


Bad Kiddush averted! It looks like we have sponsors for the next several weeks. "Bad Kiddush: A Throwback to the Terrible Kiddushes You Grew Up Hating, will be held on April 6th, Shabbat Shemini, unless someone sponsors it. As we often say: Kiddush sponsorship is temporary. Jarred gefilte fish lasts forever.


Tax Reports for 2023 are available. If you require a summary of your donations please email us. We will be sending them shortly.




Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:00 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalm 151.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM.






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bonito at 31 West 17th Street

Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Ki Tissa 5784

02/29/2024 09:14:01 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Ki Tissa 5784


Candle Lighting: 5:30 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 5:30 PM
Shema After: 6:30 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:18 AM
Mincha: 5:15 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 5:35 PM
Maariv: 6:20 PM
Havdallah: 6:30 PM



Friday Night Kiddush and has been sponsored by Tamar & Brian Yagoda in celebration of the 20th birthday of Arthur Yagoda (Brian's father).


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been sponsored by Shimmy Rapps in observance of the yahrtzeit of his father, Joseph Rapps (יוסף חיים בן יהשוע)


Kiddush Club has been sponsored by the Bellino Family in celebration of the 19th Birthday of Choni Bellino.






We extend Blessings of Consolation to our members, Hannah & Jon Stobezki, on the passing of Jon's father, Joseph Stobezki.


We extend Blessings of Consolation to our friend, Lori Leifer, on the passing of Lori's father, Rabbi Meyer Leifer. Rabbi Leifer served as rabbi of Congregation Emunath Israel
(the Chelsea Shul on 23rd Street) for 42 years.


Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM for our Shacharit Minyan.


Bad Kiddush averted! It looks like we have sponsors for the next several weeks. "Bad Kiddush: A Throwback to the Terrible Kiddushes You Grew Up Hating, will be held on April 6th, Shabbat Shemini, unless someone sponsors it. As we often say: Kiddush sponsorship is temporary. Jarred gefilte fish lasts forever.


Tax Reports for 2023 are available. If you require a summary of your donations please email us. We will be sending them shortly.




Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:00 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalms 149-150.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM.






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bonito at 31 West 17th Street

Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Sushi Tokyo at 121 19th Street

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Tetzave 5784

02/22/2024 10:18:48 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Tetzave 5784


Candle Lighting: 5:22 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 5:25 PM
Shema After: 6:23 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:24 AM
Mincha: 5:10 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 5:30 PM
Maariv: 6:13 PM
Havdallah: 6:23 PM



Friday Night Kiddush and has been sponsored by Gloria & Zack Dukoff in observance of the yahrtzeit of Zack's grandfather, Alfred Jacobson.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been sponsored by Haim & Charlotte Shechtman in honor of their son, Zachary (צבי יוסף), and in celebration of baked goods.





We extemd Blessings of Consolation to our friends, Cathy & Amir Koren, on the passing of Amir's brother, Edward Baruch Koren.


Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM for our Shacharit Minyan.


This week we received our first donation for this year's Fund for Purim Chaos. Please join Kenneth Grumer in supporting this very important initiative.


Bad Kiddush averted! It looks like we have sponsors for the next three weeks. "Bad Kiddush: A Throwback to the Terrible Kiddushes You Grew Up Hating, will be held on March 16th, Shabbat Pekudei, unless someone sponsors it. Good thing that jarred gefilte fish lasts forever.


Tax Reports for 2023 are available. If you require a summary of your donations please email us. We will be sending them shortly.




Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:00 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalm 148.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM.






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bonito at 31 West 17th Street

Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Sushi Tokyo at 121 19th Street

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Teruma 5784

02/15/2024 09:37:08 PM




Weekly Update: Shabbat Teruma 5784



Candle Lighting: 5:13 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 5:15 PM
Shema After: 6:15 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:29 AM
Mincha: 5:00 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 5:20 PM
Maariv: 6:05 PM
Havdallah: 6:15 PM



Friday Night Kiddush and Shabbat Morning Kiddush have been provided by the House.






We are grateful to Michal Rottenberg who addressed us last Shabbat. Michal and her husband Hezzie are survivors of the October 7th attack on Kfar Aza. We thank Brenda Pace for arranging these important guests.


We wish a Mazel Tov to Keshet Bellino for cleaning up (figuratively) at Cholentfext X. Keshet won the Eydel Ladel (unanimously) as well as the People’s Choice (aka popular vote) for her “Cholent (Taylor’s Version).” This is the first time a single contestant has won both titles. Honorable mentions include: Dina & Kenny “the Kohain” Canfield for their Cholent Bourekas, North Korean Cholent, Choni Bellino - who received the “He’s Not Here” award, and  and Animal Rights Activist Gav Bellino for his “Cruelty Free Cholent.” We are grateful to Eli Szus for organizing and of course Butterflake Bakery for supplying the delicious cake.


Over the last few weeks, we have been experiencing a dirth in Kiddush sponsorship, and so intervention is required. If we do not get a sponsor for next Shabbat (2/24 - Tetzave) we will provide "Bad Kiddush" a throwback to the terrible Kiddushes that you grew up hating. Expect Stella d'Oro cookies, off-brand soda, and jarred Gefilte Fish. You've been warned. 


Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM for our Shacharit Minyan.


Tax Reports for 2023 are available. If you require a summary of your donations please email us.





Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:00 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalm 147.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM.






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bonito at 31 West 17th Street

Gotta Getta Bagel at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Sushi Tokyo at 121 19th Street

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more



Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Mishpatim 5784

02/08/2024 10:07:55 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Mishpatim  5784


Candle Lighting: 5:05 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 5:05 PM
Shema After: 6:07 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:34 AM
Mincha: 4:50 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 5:10 PM
Maariv: 5:57 PM
Havdallah: 6:07 PM



Friday Night Kiddush has been provided by the House.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been provided by approximately 12 individuals and families in celebration of Cholent.






This Shabbat we welcome Michal & Hezzie Rottenberg, survivors of the attack on Kfar Aza. Michal - a history teacher and Holocaust educator - will address us at approximately 11:00 AM.


Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM for our Shacharit Minyan.





Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:00 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalm 146.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM.






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bagel Boss at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Sushi Tokyo at 121 19th Street

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Yitro 5784

02/01/2024 11:30:25 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Yitro 5784


Candle Lighting: 4:56 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 4:55 PM
Shema After: 5:59 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:37 AM
Mincha: 4:45 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 5:05 PM
Maariv: 5:49 PM
Havdallah: 5:59 PM



Friday Night Kiddush has been sponsored by Alan Schwartz in observance of the Yahrtzeits of his grandparents, Mordechai Shlomo & Frumit Konigsberg.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been provided by the House








Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM for our Shacharit Minyan.



CholentFest - our annual Cholent competition - is back again NEXT Shabbat (February 10th) for a TENTH year! Enter to win the the CholentFest Eydel Ladle and the bragging rights involved. Please let us know ASAP Crocky if you plan to participate and how we can help you. The synagogue has multiple crock pots, and can even acquire supplies should you need. This is NOT a Cholent eating contest, cause gross.





Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:00 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalm 29.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM.






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bagel Boss at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Sushi Tokyo at 121 19th Street

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Beshalach (Shira) 5784

01/26/2024 07:26:31 AM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Beshalach (Shira)  5784


Candle Lighting: 4:48 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 4:50 PM
Shema After: 5:51 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:40 AM
Mincha: 4:35 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 4:55 PM
Maariv: 5:41 PM
Havdallah: 5:51 PM



Friday Night Kiddush has been sponsored by Avi Beluca.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been provided by the House








Shkoyach to Cori Robinson and several Women of Sixth Street who provided knitting supplies (including 150 skeins of yarn) to elderly evacuees in Israel.


Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM for our Shacharit Minyan.


Save the Date: CholentFest X - February 10th




Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:00 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalm 29.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM.






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bagel Boss at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Sushi Tokyo at 121 19th Street

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Bo 5784

01/19/2024 07:44:05 AM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Bo 5784


Candle Lighting: 4:39 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 4:40 PM
Shema After: 5:43 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:41 AM
Mincha: 4:25 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 4:45 PM
Maariv: 5:33 PM
Havdallah: 5:43 PM



Friday Night Kiddush and Shabbat Morning Kiddush have been sponsored by Avi Beluca.








We wish a Mazal Tov to Tracy Fogel & Jose Troche on the birth, Brit, and naming of their son, Samuel Leon (עמרם שלמה אליעזר) Fogel Troche. 


Shkoyach to Cori Robinson and several Women of Sixth Street who provided knitting supplies (including 150 skiens of yarn) to elderly evacuees in Israel.


Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM for our Shacharit Minyan.


Save the Date: CholentFest X - February 10th




Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:00 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalm 97.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM.






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bagel Boss at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Sushi Tokyo at 121 19th Street

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Vaera 5784

01/12/2024 08:21:04 AM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Vaera 5784


Candle Lighting: 4:31 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 4:30 PM
Shema After: 5:36 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:42 AM
Mincha: 4:20 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 4:40 PM
Maariv: 5:26 PM
Havdallah: 5:36 PM



Friday Night Kiddush and Shabbat Morning Kiddush have been provided by the house.








We wish a Mazal Tov to Tracy Fogel & Jose Troche on the birth of a son.


Shkoyach to Cori Robinson and several Women of Sixth Street who provided knitting supplies (including 150 skiens of yarn) to elderly evacuees in Israel.


Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM for our Shacharit Minyan.


Save the Date: CholentFest X - February 10th




Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:00 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalm 97.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM.






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bagel Boss at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Sushi Tokyo at 121 19th Street

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Shemot 5784

01/05/2024 11:56:59 AM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Shemot 5784


Candle Lighting: 4:24 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 4:25 PM
Shema After: 5:29 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:41 AM
Mincha: 4:10 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 4:30 PM
Maariv: 5:19 PM
Havdallah: 5:29 PM



Friday Night Kiddush and Shabbat Morning Kiddush have been provided by the house.







Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM for our Shacharit Minyan.


Save the Date: CholentFest X - February 10th



Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:00 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalm 97.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM.






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bagel Boss at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Sushi Tokyo at 121 19th Street

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Vayechi 5784

12/28/2023 09:43:58 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Vayechi 5784


Candle Lighting: 4:18 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 4:20 PM
Shema After: 5:23 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:41 AM
Mincha: 4:05 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 4:25 PM
Maariv: 5:13 PM
Havdallah: 5:23 PM



Friday Night Kiddush has been provided by the house.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been sponsored by Injae Lee, Jieun Kim, and Jungsu Lee who are visiting from Korea and are very excited to meet Yesul Lee's tribe.






As 2023 comes to a close, please consider including the Sixth Street Synagogue in your year-end giving. To make a contribution, please go the synagogue’s donation page. You may also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue or send a check made out to the Community Synagogue Center. This is also the appropriate time to honor your open commitments to the synagogue and to pay any outstanding balances. Please remember that in order to maximize your 2023 tax benefits, contributions and payments must be made no later than December 31st. Thank you for your generous support and commitment to the Sixth Street Community Synagogue.


Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM for our Shacharit Minyan.




Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:00 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalm 97.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM. (Will not meet this Wednesday)






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bagel Boss at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Sushi Tokyo at 121 19th Street

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Vayigash 5784

12/22/2023 08:10:35 AM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Vayigash 5784


Fast Begins: 5:49 AM
Candle Lighting: 4:14 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 4:00 PM
Shema After: 5:19 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:39 AM
Mincha: 4:00 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 4:20 PM
Maariv: 5:09 PM
Havdallah: 5:19 PM



Friday Night Kiddush has been sponsored by Avi Rosenberg in observance of the Yahrtzeit of his mother, Carol Rosenberg.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been provided by the house.







Friday is a Fast Day. Please join us a bit earlier on Friday afternoon for Mincha at 4:00 PM. There's a Torah reading, so be sure to arrive on time so that we may begin on time.


Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM for our Shacharit Minyan.





Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:00 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalm 93.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM. (Will not meet this Wednesday)






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bagel Boss at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Sushi Tokyo at 121 19th Street

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Mikeitz 5784

12/14/2023 10:46:45 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Mikeitz 5784


Candle Lighting: 4:11 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 4:10 PM
Shema After: 5:16 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:32 AM
Mincha: 3:55 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 4:15 PM
Maariv: 5:06 PM
Havdallah: 5:16 PM



Friday Night Kiddush has been sponsored by Phyllis & Paul Ruffer in gratitude to our rabbi and teacher, Gavriel Bellino, for the hospitality and warmth he creates that allows all of us to gather, pray, celebrate, and grow as a Jewish community that is anchored in Am Echad b'Lev Echad.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been sponsored by Alan Schwartz in observance of the yahrtzeit of his father, Professor William Schwartz (מורנו צבי זאב בן משה אביגדור ז"ל).


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has also been sponsored by Phyllis & Paul Ruffer in observance of the yahrtzeit of Paul's mother, Edith Ruffer (חיה בת שאול וחוה ריבה ז"ל).







Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM for our Shacharit Minyan.


We are super excited to host  an incredible evening with Leah Forster. Her hilarious show, called "Kvetch with Me" takes a hard and hysterical look at today's experience as a New York Jew. She will also debut the brand new Independent comedy film short called "The Shidduch Crisis." Get ready for interactive kvetching, lots of laughs, and good energy! Proceeds to benefit victims suffering with PTSD. You can buy tickets here.








Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:00 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalm 93.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM. (Will not meet this Wednesday)






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bagel Boss at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Sushi Tokyo at 121 19th Street

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Vayeshev (Chanukah)

12/08/2023 09:06:46 AM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Vayeshev (Chanukah) 5784


Candle Lighting: 4:10 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 4:10 PM
Shema After: 5:14 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:28 AM
Mincha: 3:55 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 4:15 PM
Maariv: 5:04 PM
Havdallah: 5:14 PM



Friday Night Kiddush has been sponsored by Alan Schwartz in observance of the upcoming Yahrtzeit of his great-grandfather, Rav Avraham Hutter.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been sponsored Julie & Yaakov Schorr in honor of JJ and Asher and in celebration of latkes clearly being superior to Hamentaschen. 








Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM for our Shacharit Minyan.



Last month's show was a huge success! It was so special to gather in unity and solidarity for Israel. We had over 150 in attendance! Please join us THIS Monday, December 11th, for UnOrthodox Comedy - Chanukah Edition, a comedy night produced by Chani Lisbon and featuring Mathew Broussard, Liz Glazer, Harrison Greenbaum, Elon Altman, and Chani Lisbon. A percentage of the proceeds will be donated to support IDF soldiers. Tickets may be purchased here. Doors open at 7:30 and the show will begin at 8:30.



We are super excited to host  an incredible evening with Leah Forster. Her hilarious show, called "Kvetch with Me" takes a hard and hysterical look at today's experience as a New York Jew. She will also debut the brand new Independent comedy film short called "The Shidduch Crisis." Get ready for interactive kvetching, lots of laughs, and good energy! Proceeds to benefit victims suffering with PTSD. You can buy tickets here.








Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:00 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalm 93.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM. (Will not meet this Wednesday)






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bagel Boss at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Sushi Tokyo at 121 19th Street

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Vayishlach

12/01/2023 09:52:26 AM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Vayishlach 5784


Candle Lighting: 4:11 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 4:10 PM
Shema After: 5:14 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:23 AM
Mincha: 3:55 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 4:15 PM
Maariv: 5:04 PM
Havdallah: 5:14 PM



Friday Night Kiddush has been sponsored by Phoebe & Richard McBee in observance of the Yahrtzeit of Richard's mother, Ruth McBee.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been sponsored by Maya & Coby Benzaquen in celebration of the birthday of their daughter, Arielle, in celebration of the anniversary of Coby's bar Mitzvah, and in gratitude for being honored with Chatan Torah.






We offer Blessings of Consolation to Susan Mehr upon the passing of her husband, Howard Mehr.


Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM for our Shacharit Minyan.



Join us on Monday, December 11th, for UnOrthodox Comedy - Chanukah Edition, a comedy night produced by Chani Lisbon and featuring Mathew Broussard, Liz Glazer, Harrison Greenbaum, Elon Altman, and Chani Lisbon. A percentage of the proceeds will be donated to support IDF soldiers. Tickets may be purchased here. Doors open at 7:30 and the show will begin at 8:30.




We are super excited to host  an incredible evening with Leah Forster. Her hilarious show, called "Kvetch with Me" takes a hard and hysterical look at today's experience as a New York Jew. She will also debut the brand new Independent comedy film short called "The Shidduch Crisis." Get ready for interactive kvetching, lots of laughs, and good energy! Proceeds to benefit victims suffering with PTSD. You can buy tickets here.








Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:00 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalm 93.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM. (Will not meet this Wednesday)






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bagel Boss at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Sushi Tokyo at 121 19th Street

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Vayeitze

11/23/2023 03:43:59 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Vayeitze 5784


Candle Lighting: 4:14 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 4:15 PM
Shema After: 5:16 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:18 AM
Mincha: 4:00 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 4:20 PM
Maariv: 5:06 PM
Havdallah: 5:16 PM



Friday Night Sushi Kiddush has been sponsored by Avi Belluca.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been provided by the House.






Please help us sustain our minyanim. With many of us away for Thanksgiving, your presence would be particularly appreciated this Shabbat.


Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM for our Shacharit Minyan.






Israel in our Hearts


The weekly peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park will resume next week.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalm XX.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM. (Will not meet this Wednesday)






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bagel Boss at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Sushi Tokyo at 121 19th Street

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Toledot

11/16/2023 10:15:50 PM




Weekly Update: Shabbat Toledot 5784



Candle Lighting: 4:18 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 4:20 PM
Shema After: 5:20 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:13 AM
Mincha: 4:05 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 4:25 PM
Maariv: 5:10 PM
Havdallah: 5:20 PM



Friday Night Kiddush and Shabbat Morning Kiddush have been sponsored







We wish a Mazal Tov to


Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM for our Shacharit Minyan.





Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:00 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalm XX.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM. (Will not meet this Wednesday)






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bagel Boss at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Sushi Tokyo at 121 19th Street

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more



Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Chayei Sara

11/10/2023 05:07:45 AM




Weekly Update: Shabbat Chayei Sara 5784



Candle Lighting: 4:24 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 4:25 PM
Shema After: 5:25 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 9:09 AM
Mincha: 4:10 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 4:30 PM
Maariv: 5:15 PM
Havdallah: 5:25 PM



Friday Night Kiddush has been provided by the house.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been sponsored by Kellie & Hayden Ginsberg in memory of Joan Lavin Schmidt Steele, mother or Cori and Ellen, and grandmother of Hayde, Alex, Mia, and Gus.







We are grateful to who recently donated a set of new Tallitot.


Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:15 AM for our Shacharit Minyan


Rabbi Bellino's Psalms Class will continue this Tuesday evening. He will present Psalms 93 & 95 using both traditional commentaries and academic scholarship.


Rabbi Bellino's Foundations Class will continue this Wednesday evening. He will present continue his presentation of the various periods of Jewish History including the more important figures, writings, and external pressures and influences.





Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:00 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalm XX.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM. (Will not meet this Wednesday)






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bagel Boss at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Sushi Tokyo at 121 19th Street

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more



Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Vayeira

11/02/2023 09:49:15 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Vayeira 5784


Candle Lighting: 5:32 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 5:35 PM
Shema After: 6:33 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 10:04 AM
Mincha: 5:15 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 5:35 PM
Maariv: 6:22 PM
Havdallah: 6:32 PM



Friday Night Kiddush has been sponsored by the Bellino Family in celebration of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Norma & Victor.


Shabbat Morning Kiddush has been sponsored by Josephine & Eli Szus to celebrate their recent nuptials with their friends in New York City. Their families and friends have been so supportive and they could not have gotten to this point without them.


At Seudah Shelishit we will celebrate Richard McBee and Dana Friedman's completion of Masekhet Kiddushin and Seder Nashim.






We wish a Mazal Tov to Norma & Victor Bellino who will celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary this Shabbat.


Rabbi Bellino's Psalms Class will continue this Tuesday evening. He will present Psalm LXXXVIII using both traditional commentaries and academic scholarship.


Rabbi Bellino's Foundations Class will continue this Wednesday evening. He will present continue his presentation of the various periods of Jewish History including the more important figures, writings, and external pressures and influences.


Last Monday night we hosted "Unorthodox Comedy - Israel Edition" a night of comedy intended to gather in solidarity for our Brothers and Sisters in Israel. Approximately  200 people attended and proceeds of the night were donated to United Hatzalah. The next Unorthodox Comedy will be December 11th. We are grateful to our friend Chani Lisbon for organizing. 




Israel in our Hearts


This Shabbat Day there will be a peaceful walk around Washington Square Park and Union Square Park to raise awareness of the hostages in Israel. Shabbat is a time to pause, connect, and reflect; yet, as long as our family in Israel are suffering, we cannot rest. The walk has been organized by Dr. Michelle Sarna, will begin at 2:00 PM at the Bronfman Center, and will take approximately one hour.


Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.





Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalm XX.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM. (Will not meet this Wednesday)






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bagel Boss at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Sushi Tokyo at 121 19th Street

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Lekh Lekha

10/26/2023 10:26:32 PM



Weekly Update: Shabbat Lekh Lekha 5784


Candle Lighting: 5:40 PM
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 5:40 PM
Shema After: 6:40 PM
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Morning Shema Before: 10:00 AM
Mincha: 5:25 PM
Seudah Shelishit: 5:45 PM
Maariv: 6:30 PM
Havdallah: 6:40 PM



Friday Night Kiddush and Shabbat Morning Kiddush have been provided by the  house.






Please continue to stand with Israel by supporting the helpers. Our dear friends Rabbi Joe Wolfson and Jonathan Muhlrad have been leading the JLIC effort in Israel to support those who have lost so much. Our friends Penina Seidman, Leila Deluty, and Michelle Charnoff have been distributing supplies to reservists called upon to serve. You can venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue or donate on our website. Be sure to specify that your donation is for Israel Aid.


Please continue to you support each other. While this sort of peril and loss, as well as the emotional responses they engender, aren’t new to our national history, they are - in fact - new to most of us. Remember that we all come to the (kiddush) table with different psychological skill sets and traumas. Look out for one another, check in, and be flexible to, and understanding of, the broad spectrum that is the emotional health of others. We ask that when you speak to each other, you be mindful of potentially inflammatory language and gruesome content; particularly in the presence of children.


Find comfort in community as we process the daily horrors and pray for safety, peace, and consolation.


We wish a Mazal Tov to Gloria Epstein & Zack Dukoff on their recent wedding.


We wish a Mazal Tov to Josephine Mairzadeh & Eli Szus on their recent wedding.


We wish a Mazal Tov to our friends, Daniella & Joseph Bedros, upon the recent birth, brit, and naming of their son, Louis Victor.


Rabbi Bellino's Psalms Class will resume this Tuesday evening. He will present Psalm XX (a Psalm that we have unfortunately been reciting quite a bit these days) using both traditional commentaries and academic scholarship.


This Monday night we will host "Unorthodox Comedy - Israel Edition" a night to gather in solidarity for our Brothers and Sisters in Israel. It will be an evening of connection, laughter and unity. A percentage of the proceeds will be donated to United Hatzalah of Israel.  For tickets click here.







Membership has almost no privileges.


But it's the right thing to do and it allows us to thrive. Won’t you please share in our great legacy and help us continue our impressive revitalization? There are, of course, various membership options and we hope that one works for you.


Membership Level  
Family $1000
Individual $550
Associate $300
Student $150


  • For Membership Renewal, please click here
  • For New Members, please click here

You can also Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue, or mail a check to 325 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003.




Our weekday classes are being held on Zoom. For those of you who do not know, Zoom is a remote conferencing service that facilitates meetings online, by video and by phone. A useful instructional video may be found here. We strongly encourage you to download the free app to your phones and/or computers and then click the meeting links that we provide. If you do not have the technology to participate over the Internet, you may simply dial in. We will provide the links and numbers in a separate email as well as PDFs of any relevant class material. To access a schedule of upcoming classes, class materials, and zoom links, click here.



A REASONABLE READING OF PSALMS: Traditional commentaries and modern scholarship are used to make sense of this ancient text. Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM. This week we will study Psalm XX.


FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM: A sensitive and sophisticated introduction to Judaism, intended for beginners, focusing on many of the ritual, legal, linguistic, and philosophical basics of our faith. Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM. (Will not meet this Wednesday)






Downtown Community


We are thrilled to have Ellin Mitchell as the Yoetzet Halacha for the downtown community. Yoetzet Ellin is available to answer questions related to Toharat HaMishpacha and may be reached by phone at (646) 598-1080 and by email. Click here to read our recent e-mail about her appointment.


There are several local Kosher options that are open for take-out/delivery:

Bagel Boss at 263 First Avenue

Mocha Burger at 496 LaGuardia Place
Mocha Red at 137 4th Avenue

Sushi Tokyo at 121 19th Street

Mendy's at 441 Park Ave South


We are proud to be a member synagogue of The Downtown Va'ad, an Orthodox rabbinic network intended to advance the welfare and flourishing of the Downtown community. Check out the Va'ad on Facebook for more information.





We encourage your participation and insight. Feedback to Elie Yudewitz, Rabbi Bellino or the Shul Office would be most appreciated. Please contact us with any suggestions and/or concerns, or most importantly, to volunteer. You can also make suggestions here.


We like to have fun and be creative on social media. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for much more


Sixth Street Community Synagogue

We like to think we're different. Everyone from the traditionally Orthodox to the occasionally observant feels at home here - 365 days a year. We hope you do too.


Contact Us


325 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10003

(212) 473-3665

Like us on Facebook


Weekly Update: Shabbat Noach

10/19/2023 10:49:17 PM
