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Masekhet Avot: Content, Theme, & Structure

Full Kaufmann Manuscript
Sayings of the Jewish Fathers (1917 Translation by Taylor)
The Patriarchate (Hillel I - Gamaliel VI)
House of Gamaliel Interpolation
Tannaitic Generations
Chronological Chart of Tannaim


Entire Text (with Kaufmann) of Chapter One
Brief Summary of Chapter One
Andiplosis of Chapter One
Chapter One Succession Chart


Mishna 1 (Succession/Men of Great Assembly): Text, Standard Commentary Chart, External Sources
Mishna 2 (Simeon the Just): Text, External Sources
Mishna 3 (Antigonos of Sokho): Text, External Sources
Mishna 4 (Jose b. Joezer): Text
Mishna 5 (Jose b. Johanan): Text
Mishna 6 (Joshua b.  Perachia): Text
Mishna 7 (Mattai/Nittai of Arbela): Text
Mishna 8 (Judah b. Tabbai): Text
Mishna 9 (Simeon b. Shetach): Text
Mishna 10 (Shemaia): Text
Mishna 11 (Abtalion): Text
Mishna 12 (Hillel): Text
Mishna 13 (Hillel): Text
Mishna 14 (Hillel): Text
Mishna 15 (Shammai): Text
Mishna 16 (R. Gamliel I): Text
Mishna 17 (Simeon his Son): Text
Mishna 18 (R. Simeon b. Gamliel): Text

Entire Text (with Kaufmann) of Chapter Two
Entire Text of Chapter Two - English Only

Mishna 1 (R. Judah the Patriarch): Text
Mishna 2 (R. Gamaliel III, his son): Text
Mishna 3 ("): Text
Mishna 4a ("): Text
Mishna 4b (Hillel): Text
Mishna 5 ("): Text
Mishna 6 ("): Text
Mishna 7 ("): Text
Mishna 8 (R. Johanan b. Zakkai): Text
Mishna 9 (5 Students): Text
Mishna 10 (R. Eliezer): Text
Mishna 11 (R. Joshua): Text
Mishna 12 (R. Joseph): Text
Mishna 13 (R. Simeon): Text
Mishna 14 (R. Eleazar): Text
Mishna 15 (R. Tarphon): Text  External Sources
Mishna 16 ("): Text


Entire Text (with Kaufmann) of Chapter Three
"Chronology" of Chapter Three
Name Patterns of Chapter Three

Mishna 1 (Aqavijah ben Mahalalel): Text, On Aquavijah
Mishna 2a (R. Haninah/Hananiah Deputy of the Priests): Text
Mishna 2b (R. Hananiah/Haninah ben Teradyon): Text
Mishna 3 (R. Simeon): Text
Mishna 4 (R. Hananiah/Haninah ben Hakhinai): Text
Mishna 5 (R. Nehuniah ben HaQana): Text
Mishna 6 (R. Halafta ben Dosa of Kefar Hananyah): Text
Mishna 7a (R. Elazar ben Judah of Bartuta): Text
Mishna 7b (R. Simeon/Jacob): Text
Mishna 8 (R. Dostai ben R. Yannai from R. Meir): Text
Mishna 9a (R. Haninah ben Dosa): Text
Mishna 09b ("): Text
Mishna 10a ("): Text
Mishna 10b (R. Dosa ben Harkinas): Text
Mishna 11 (R. Eleazar of Modiin):  Text
Mishna 12 (R. Ishmael): Text
Mishna 13 (R. Aqiba): Text
Mishna 14 ("): Text
Mishna 15 ("): Text
Mishna 16 ("): Text
Mishna 17a (R. Eleazar ben Azariah): Text
Mishna 17b ("): Text
Mishna 18 (R. Eliezer b. Hisma): Text


Entire Text (with Kaufmann) of Chapter Four

Mishna 1 (Ben Zoma): Text
Mishna 2 (Ben Azzai): Text
Mishna 3 ("): Text
Mishna 4a (R. Levitas of Jabne): Text
Mishna 4b (R. Johanan ben Beroqa): Text
Mishna 5a (R. Ishmael his son): Text
Mishna 5b (R. Zadok): Text
Mishna 6 (R. Jose): Text
Mishna 7 (R. Ishmael): Text
Mishna 8 ("): Text
Mishna 9 (R. Jonathan): Text
Mishna 10 (R. Meir): Text
Mishna 11a (R. Eliezer ben Jacob): Text
Mishna 11b (R. Johanan HaSandelar): Text
Mishna 12 (R. Elazar b. Shammua): Text
Mishna 13a (R. Judah): Text
Mishna 13b (R. Simeon): Text
Mishna 14 (R. Nehorai): Text
Mishna 15a (R. Yannai) Text
Mishna 15b (Mattiah b. Heresh) Text
Mishna 16 (R. Jacob / Aqiba) Text
Mishna 17 (") Text
Mishna 18 (R. Simeon b. Elazar) Text
Mishna 19 (Simeon the Younger) Text
Mishna 20a (Elisha b. Abuyah) Text
Mishna 20b ( R. Jose b. Judah of Kefar ha-Bavli) Text
Mishna 20c (Rabbi [Meir]) Text
Mishna 21 ([R.] Eleazer ha-Kappar) Text
Mishna 22 (") Text

Entire Text (with Kaufmann) of Chapter Four

Mishna 1 (Ten Sayings) Text
Mishna 2 (Ten Generations) Text
Mishna 3 (Ten Trials of Abraham) Text, Maimonides on 3&4
Mishna 4 (Ten Egyptian Miracles, Ten at Sea, Ten Trials) Text
Mishna 5 (Ten Temple Miracles) Text
Mishna 6 (Ten Pre-Sabbath Creations) Text
Mishna 7 (Seven in Clod/Man) Text
Mishna 8 (Seven Punishments/Crime) Text
Mishna 9 (Four Characters in Man) Text
Mishna 10 (Four Characters in Dispositions) Text

Mishna 11 (Four Characters in Scholars) Text
Mishna 12 (Four Characters in Almsgivers) Text

Mishna 13 (Four Characters in Study Goers) Text
         [Rabbinic Typologies of Four Matrices] Chart

Mishna 14 (Four Characters of Sitters before the Sages) Text
Mishna 15 (Love) Text
Mishna 16 (Group Intention) Text
Mishna 17 (Encourages Virture) Text
Mishna 18 (Students of Abraham/Balaam) Text
Mishna 19 (Judah b. Tema) Text

Mishna 20 (") Text

Concluding Prayer Text
Supplemental Teaching (B. Bag Bag /B. Hey Hey) Text

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785