Sell Your Hametz in 5783 (2023)
As you know, the Biblical prohibition of possessing Hametz on Passover applies only to Hametz that one actually owns; thus, it is permitted to have Hametz in one’s home provided that it is owned by a non-Jew and that it is kept in a closed place set aside for that purpose. To effect this sale, the Sages established a document (Shtar Harsha’ah) by which the signatories empower the Rabbi (or local rabbinate) to sell their Hametz for them and to buy it back on their behalf after Passover.
Rabbi Bellino has created the digital form below which will work as your authorization for the sale of your Hametz. The form will ask you to specify where the Hametz is located, estimate its value, and agree to authorize me to sell it on your behalf. There are six sections and you will need to scroll a bit. It should not take longer than three minutes to complete.
If you prefer the lower tech POA, you may access it here.
Rabbi Bellino (or his designated representative) will sell your Hametz on Tuesday evening, April 4th. When he has received your authorization, you will receive a confirmation. If you do not hear from him, or if you have any questions, please contact him here.
One final point: Although there is a widespread custom to pay the rabbi who facilitated the sale of Hametz, you are urged not to do so. Instead, please feel free (but not obligated) to contribute to the Rabbi's Discretionary Charity Fund. Be sure to specify that this is for Passover Charity. You may pledge an amount below and/or pay on the website or simply Venmo the synagogue @sixthstreetsynagogue.
We wish you health, healing, and a Season of Redemption that is festive and meaningful.