Rabbi Bellino leads us on the first night of Selichot.
Ark enhancement for the High Holy Days.
Davids Lessman and Landis bring out the sanctuary's High Holy Day whites.
High Holy Day schedule cards. Sixth Street style.
Dr. Moshe Halbertal lectures on the ethical and philosophical implications of Viduy (confession)
Modi Rosenfeld shows up for Kol Nidre. A bit early.
Immediately following Yom Kippur, Rabbi Bellino makes Havdalla on Finback Beer.
Sukkah Preparations with the help of Vincenzo Aiosa and Nicole Blau.
A beautiful landscape mural but Nicole Blau.
Sukkah preparations with David Lessman.
Ely Moizman enhances our Sukkah murals.
Simchat Torah preparation at Warehouse Liquors with Elie Yudewitz.