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Drunk Rabbis

I. Terms:

A. List of Hebrew Terms for Alcoholic Beverages (1/12/2021)
B. List of Rabbinic Terms for Alcoholic Beverages
C. List of Greek Terms for Alcoholic Beverages

II. Biblical Teachings and Rabbinic (Re-)Readings

A. Noah's Drunkenness (Genesis 9)
           1. Genesis 9 - Biblical Source Material and Study (1/12/2021) (1/19/2021)
           2. The Rabbis on Noah's Drunkenness (1/12/2021) (1/19/2021) (1/26/2021)
B. Nazirite Sobriety (Numbers 6)
           1. Numbers 6 - Biblical Source Material and Study (2/2/2021) (2/9/2021)
           2. The Rabbis on Nazirite Sobriety (2/9/2021)
C. Priestly Sobriety (Leviticus 10)
           1. Leviticus 10 - Biblical Source Material and Study (2/16/2021)
           2. The Rabbis on Priestly Sobriety (2/16/2021) (3/9/2021)

III.Greek Aristocratic Alcohol Consumption

IV. Rabbinic Celebration

A. Purim Intoxication
           1. The Murder of a Drinking Buddy (2/23/2021)
           2. Analysis (2/23/2021)
B. Passover Drinking/Toasting
           1. Passover Drinking (3/16/2021)

V. Social Boundaries

VI. Magic

Wed, May 8 2024 30 Nisan 5784