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Purim 5783

03/01/2023 10:51:18 AM



Dear Friends,

Purim begins TOMORROW NIGHT, March 6th. We will gather for Maariv at 6:15 PM and then read the Megillah at 6:30 PM.

If you are unable to attend, consider joining us over Zoom. Click Esther After Dark and then enter the password: Lechaim 
     Alternatively, you may dial in to 646-931 3860.
     Webinar ID: 856 3712 2586
     Passcode: 4662311

Immediately following the Megillah there will be a celebration in our Social Hall.

On Tuesday we will convene an 8:00 AM Shacharit which will be followed by the Megillah at 8:30 AM.

If you are unable to attend, consider joining us over Zoom. Click Esther in the Morning and then enter the password: Hungover    
    Alternatively, you may dial in to 646-931 3860.
    Webinar ID: 890 9780 2984
    Passcode: 96952074


We are grateful to our Sponsors of Chaos: The Bellino Family, Dina & Kenny Canfield, Suzanne Dance & Andrew Obin, Jackie & Donny Furst, Yesul Lee, Alexander Mollozzi, Celine & Alex Rohr, Modi Rosenfeld, and Shelly & Elie Yudewitz.

For more information to join this list of sponsors, please click to our Purim Chaos page.

Purim Charity - Matanot L'Evyonim (gifts to the poor) is arguably the most important mitzvah of Purim. In the course of our own joy, we make it our duty to share with others, thus amplifying the spirit of unity that we read about in the Megillah, and extending the divine generosity shown to our people. In the spirit of modern Religious Humanism, we extend this kindness to both our Jewish and non-Jewish neighbors. This Purim we will again partner with Rabbi Zvi Romm, the Masbia Soup Kitchen Network, and Knock Knock Give a Sock, in providing gifts to those in our neighborhood who truly need our assistance. You may make a donation here or Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue (be sure to specify Purim Charity!). Of course you may also bring in a check (made out to Sixth Street Community Synagogue Rabbi's Discretionary) or cash before or on Purim.

Freilichen Purim!!!

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785