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Simchat Torah 5783

10/16/2022 11:22:02 AM


Dear Sixth Streeters,

Shemini Atzeret / Simchat Torah begins tonight! Please keep in mind that our parties and services tend to skew a bit early, with the celebration starting on Monday Afternoon. Please join us for any or all of the festivities! We know it's a lot.

Sunday, October 16th - Hoshana Rabba
Candle-lighting: 5:56 PM
Mincha: 5:55 PM
Maariv: 6:15 PM

Monday, October 17th - Shemni Atzeret
Daf Yomi: 8:00 AM
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Shema before: 9:54 AM
Yizkor: 10:15 AM
Simchat Torah Pre-Pre-Game: 4:30 PM (Sponsored by the Yudewitz Family)
Simchat Torah Pre-Game: 5:00 PM

Maariv & Haqqafot: 7:00 PM

Tuesday, October 18th - Simchat Torah
Daf Yomi: 7:30 AM
Shacharit: 8:30 AM
Shacharit followed by Super Secret Breakfast Kiddush (Sponsored by the Bellino Family)
Shema before: 9:54 AM

Haqqafot: 10:00 AM
Aliyot for All: 10:30 AM
Kol Hanearim: 11:00 AM (Sponsored by Alan "Bubbles" Schwartz
Kiddush to Follow
Mincha: 5:55 PM
Maariv: 6:42 PM

Havdallah: 6:52 PM

We need more Torah Readers for the Women's Reading. If you are interested/able please email us.

We need Simchat Torah Sponsors!  There are many sponsorship opportunities (Drinks, Snacks, Food, Advil). Won't you please consider helping to sponsor the (outdoor) festivities? Donate here or Venmo us (@sixthstreetsynagogue). Be sure to include what you are sponsoring and any dedication information.

Thu, September 12 2024 9 Elul 5784