St. Purim's Day MEGILLAH
03/17/2022 08:30:46 AM
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Thursday, March 17th
8:00 AM: Shacharit
8:30 AM: Megillah
(If you are immunocompromised, you are invited to join over Zoom, here. As a backup, the Megillah will be broadcast on Instagram as well.
We are very grateful to our Purim Chaos Sponsors: Avi Beluca, The Bellino Family, Dina & Kenny Canfield, Drs. Jane & Drore Eisen, Alan "Bubbles" Schwartz, Victoria Scolnik, Yael Scolnik, and Shelly & Elly Yudewitz.
To join this chaotic list of chaos providers, please click here. We appreciate your support!
Purim Charity - Matanot L'Evyonim (gifts to the poor) is arguably the most important mitzvah of Purim. In the course of our own joy, we make it our duty to share with others, thus amplifying the spirit of unity that we read about in the Megillah, and extending the divine generosity shown to our people. In the spirit of modern Religious Humanism, we extend this kindness to both our Jewish and non-Jewish neighbors. This Purim we will again partner with Rabbi Zvi Romm of the Bialystoker Synagogue, Rabbi Joe Wolfson of JLIC-NYU and the NYU community, the Bowery Mission, the Masbia Soup Kitchen Network, and Knock Knock Give a Sock, in providing gifts to those in our neighborhood who truly need our assistance. You may make a donation here or Venmo us @sixthstreetsynagogue (be sure to specify Purim Charity!). Of course you may also bring in a check (made out to Sixth Street Community Synagogue Rabbi's Discretionary) or cash before or on Purim.
Kid's Post-Purim Party - There will be a party for the Kommunity Kinder on Sunday, March 20th at 11:00 AM. Please let us know if you and your children will be attending.
Freilichen Purim!!!
Mon, February 10 2025
12 Shevat 5785
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