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Purim Charity

03/08/2022 04:01:46 PM


Dear Friends,

Matanot L'Evyonim (gifts to the poor) is arguably the most important mitzvah of Purim. In the course of our own joy, we make it our duty to share with others, thus amplifying the spirit of unity that we read about in the Megillah, and extending the divine generosity shown to our people. In the spirit of modern Religious Humanism, we extend this kindness to both our Jewish and non-Jewish neighbors.

This Purim our synagogue will again partner with Rabbi Zvi Romm of the Bialystoker Synagogue, Rabbi Joe Wolfson of JLIC-NYU and the NYU community, the Bowery Mission, the Masbia Soup Kitchen Network, and Knock Knock Give a Sock, in providing gifts to those in our neighborhood who truly need our assistance. You may make a donation here or Venmo @sixthstreetsynagogue (be sure to specify Purim Charity!). Of course you may also bring in a check (made out to Sixth Street Community Synagogue Rabbi's Discretionary) or cash before or on Purim.

Thank you for joining me in this important mitzvah.


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784