Kabbalat Shabbat!!!
04/08/2021 08:21:24 AM
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Greetings Friends,
This Shabbat we plan to return to our beloved sanctuary for FRIDAY NIGHT services (in addition to Saturday morning). We feel that this is appropriate in light of improving conditions and increasing vaccination rates. As (now usual) the Six Feet Synagogue service will run a bit more efficiently, with reduced singing, and an Anti Social Kiddush Club to follow.
Friday Night Services will begin at 7:00 PM for the foreseeable future.
The below represents an updated set of Practices & Community Expectations. Over time, we expect these could be modified, updated, or extended.
Practices & Community Expectations
Version Number: 3
Effective Date: February 18, 2021.
When to stay home
Stay home if you have tested positive, or have been recently exposed to someone who has tested positive. Consult your physician as to when you are no longer contagious, or at risk of having and/or spreading SARS-CoV2.
Stay home if you are immunocompromised, not feeling well, or simply uncomfortable attending. Contact us with any concerns or with any specific medical needs.
Stay home if you have recently traveled back to New York from another place, where the New York State, or New York City guidelines indicate you are supposed to isolate. Do not attend services if you are supposed to be isolating.
Adherence to Practices & Community Expectations
Stay home if you feel you cannot agree to any of the practices and community expectations listed here that we feel aid in providing a safe environment for all of us.
If problems arise, please address people directly, and quietly. If there is a disruption, or an issue surrounding non-adherence, individuals will be politely asked to leave the building by the Rabbi, the Board President, or building staff including security.
We expect people to take things slow, be kind, maintain a calm and helpful demeanor, and demonstrate compassion towards others and a commitment to ensuring a safe environment for all of us.
We expect people to listen to and respect the requests of others as it relates to these practices and community expectations.
Arguing, a lack of courteousness, or aggression towards others is unacceptable. If you, or others get upset for any reason, please exit the building and re-enter when appropriate to do so.
Mask & Distancing Requirements
Masks are required to enter the building, and to be worn at all times inside - including during your participation in services - by every individual in attendance, including children. There are no exceptions.
We will have extra masks available, if there is a problem with your mask, or you need an additional mask.
Masks must be worn properly. It is ok to ask others to put on their mask, or fix how they are wearing their mask, and for others to ask the same of you.
Distance of 6ft from one another must be maintained. It is expected that all people remain 6ft apart from others they did not attend with at all times. It is ok to ask others to move further away from you, and for others to ask that of you.
Entering & Exiting the Building
Enter the building through the main doors of the sanctuary only. Do not use the lower entrance unless you are bringing in a stroller.
You may be asked to answer questions about your recent health, or to put on or properly adjust your mask before entry.
An announcement will be made at the conclusion of services to guide your exiting from the sanctuary and the building. We will start from the rear of the sanctuary by row. Please wait until all individuals in the rows behind you are outside the sanctuary doors before you begin to exit.
If someone is exiting the building, please wait for them before entering in order to avoid collision.
Provide those in front of you, and behind you, adequate space as you move around inside.
You may exit using any door, but please be mindful of congestion.
Please bring your jackets/raincoats/bags etc. in the sanctuary and keep them at your seat with you.
Interior Common Area Assistance
We may have someone at the back of the sanctuary and lobby area to guide people, answer questions, and help us avoid any lingering and congregating in this area. Please follow their instructions.
We may have someone downstairs near the restrooms to guide people, answer questions, and help us avoid any lingering and congregating in this area. Please follow their instructions.
Sanitizing & Hand Washing
Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the building. Please use it upon entering and exiting, and before or after obtaining or returning a Siddur as you see fit.
Please wash your hands vigorously when using the restroom.
If you see an unclean area, please notify the building staff, the Rabbi, or the Board President so that we may address it.
Seating in the Sanctuary
Available seats are marked with post-it notes. Please sit only in those seats. Do not remove the stickers. It is expected that all people sit only in the marked seats. It is ok to ask others to move to a marked seat if they are not seated in one, and for others to ask that of you.
If someone is seated in a seat you prefer, roll with it, and find another seat.
Be sure that you remain six ft away from everyone else. Families may sit together, but those around them should be careful to maintain 6 ft of distance.
Some individuals may be asked to sit in the balcony area in order to spread people out even more. If this is something you are comfortable with, please proceed to the balcony upon entering.
Please do not wander or pace throughout the sanctuary or the rest of the building at any time. Persons doing so may be asked to go outside, or leave services and return next week.
Upon leaving please leave any shul talleisim, siddurim, and chumashim at your seats.
Attendance of Children
Children should remain with a parent at all times while in the building. No exceptions.
Children may play with parental supervision in the Beit Midrash or Social Hall.
Parents should announce themselves to others as entering, and discuss before entering how they’d like to engage, or any concerns and limitations they have.
Strollers may be stored in the downstairs coatroom area near the restrooms.
Synagogue Ritual Practices
We hope to begin at 9:00 AM and intend for services to be shorter in duration. The goal is approximately 2 hours or less.
The bimah will be occupied by one person at a time. Please do not approach the bimah.
All Aliyot to the Torah will be taken by the person who is reading.
Hagbah/Gelilah will be performed either by the person who is reading or by two individuals who live together.
Be sure that when you speak indoors that you do so softly, without projecting your voice and without much effort. The person leading prayers will be responsible for the bulk of the singing. You may sing along but please do so softly, just loud enough to be audibly reciting a prayer.
Since it has been some time since we have been together, people may want to speak to one another. Please exit the building to do so, and refrain from disrupting the service.
Restroom Use
If you need to use the restrooms, to avoid collisions, please descend down the main (eastern) staircase. This staircase will be clearly marked as “DOWN ONLY”. To return to the sanctuary please ascend using the “back (western) staircase. This staircase will be clearly marked as “UP ONLY.”
The restrooms will be cleaned several times throughout the morning. Please wait patiently if the restroom is in the process of being cleaned.
The restrooms will be single-occupancy. Lock the door when you are using it, and knock to check if others are using it before entering.
Anti Social Kiddush Club (To-Go Kiddush)
Weather permitting, there will be a to-go kiddush outside the building. Please do not crowd around the table, but carefully line up, maintaining social distance and waiting patiently for the person in front of you to finish.
To avoid congestion, people attending together should have one person collect things from the to-go table.
Please keep masks on within 6 feet of the table, and when on or within 6 ft of the steps.
If it’s raining, the table will be in the lobby and you can take your treats as you leave.
If you find yourself getting cold, and as a result getting closer to others and removing your mask; it’s probably time to go home.
Prohibited Areas
Please do not go into the social hall at any time, unless you are a parent supervising your child(ren).
Please do not go into the kitchen at any time.
Please do not use the rear stairwell off of the sanctuary.
Please do not use the Beit Midrash at any time unless you are a parent supervising your child(ren).
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Mon, February 10 2025
12 Shevat 5785
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Weekly Update: Shabbat Beshalach (Shira & Cholentfest) 5785
Thursday, Feb 6 11:00pmWeekly Update: Shabbat Bo 5785
Thursday, Jan 30 10:46pmWeekly Update: Shabbat Vaera 5785
Thursday, Jan 23 11:39pm
Community News
Barukh Dayyan Ha'Emet - Miriam Kaplan
Monday, Jan 27 6:50pmShiva Update - Isobel Rubin
Monday, Jan 13 6:56amBarukh Dayyan Ha'Emet - Isobel Rubin
Sunday, Jan 12 7:07am
Alot Hashachar | 5:34am |
Earliest Tallit | 6:06am |
Netz (Sunrise) | 6:57am |
Latest Shema | 9:33am |
Zman Tefillah | 10:26am |
Chatzot (Midday) | 12:11pm |
Mincha Gedola | 12:37pm |
Mincha Ketana | 3:14pm |
Plag HaMincha | 4:19pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 5:25pm |
Tzeit Hakochavim | 6:06pm |
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