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Shemini Atzeret / Simchat Torah

10/06/2023 12:36:29 PM


We have much to look forward to as we conclude our Holliday Season.

We return for Yom Tov / Shabbat services tonight at 6:15 PM

Shemini Atzeret day will include both Kohelet and Yizkor. There will be no kiddush following services.

Simchat Torah festivities begin Shabbat afternoon with a 5:00 PM pre-game, Mincha and Party at 5:45 PM, with Maariv and Hakafot beginning at 7:00 PM. We remind We remind you that our Simchat Torah celebrations tend to skew early (leaving plenty of time for side-plans, meals, sleep).

Simchat Torah Morning services begin at 8:30 AM, with a Super Secret Coffee Kiddush at 9:30 AM, Hakafot at 10:00 AM and Aliyot at 10:30 AM. Please be sure to bring your children to the Kids' Hakafa - sponsored by Alan Bubbles Schwartz - at approximately 11:00 AM.

Immediately following Simchat Torah services there will be a Kiddush sponsored by Celine & Alex Rohr in celebration of the birth of their daughter, Charlotte Sarah (שרה).

Chag Sameach.


Hoshana  Rabba / Erev Shemini Atzeret
Friday, October 6
Shacharit: 8:00 AM
Candle Lighting: 6:12 PM
Mincha: 6:15 PM
Maariv: 6:30 PM
Shemini Atzeret
Saturday, October 7
Shacharit: 9:00 AM
Shema before: 9:50 PM
Yizkor: 10:45 PM
Pre-Grame: 5:00 PM
Mincha & Party: 5:45 PM
Maariv/Hakkafot: 7:00 PM
Cande Lighting from a
pre-existing flame:
7:10 PM
Simchat Torah
Sunday, October 8
Shacharit: 8:30 AM
Shema before: 9:51 AM
Hakkafot: 10:00 AM
Aliyot: 10:30 AM
Mincha: 6:10 PM
Maariv: 7:00 PM
Havdalah: 7:08 PM


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784