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Post-Yom-Kippur Gratitude

09/26/2023 01:21:16 PM


Greetings Friends,

Thank You. This year's Yom Kippur - to my memory - was the best one yet. We welcomed more than 400 people over the course of the day and services were beautiful. 

I am grateful to our skilled cantors, Meir Shapiro and Neil Kitainik for their beautiful and perfectly-timed davening. They skillfully and precisely moved text along as they moved us, inspiring us with beautiful and thoughtful moments of prayer and song.

I also thank Modi Rosenfeld for his inspiring and amusing words, Elie Yudewitz for his ushering and gabbaing, Keshet Bellino, Naya Yudewitz, and Liat Yudewitz for their help in setting up the sanctuary, and Romano and his staff for their hard work in preparing and maintaining our building.

Adina Lichtman's leadership and energy were particularly inspiring. Yesterday over 150 sandwiches were prepared and distributed to our less-fortunate neighbors. Her devotion to the greater community is unparalleled. Adina's not-for-profit, Knock Knock Give a Sock, deserves your support. Please consider helping her to continue and expand her important altruistic vision.

At Kol Nidrei I spoke about the Tablets of the Law that felt burdensome when lacking their letters, but made lighter when infused with energy and commitment. I applied this metaphor to prayer, general religious life, and more specifically to the religious, social, and financial health of our synagogue. If my vision spoke to you, if you have benefited from this synagogue's energy and would like to see it enlarged further, please consider participating in our Kol Nidrei Campaign. Your support is essential. I remind you that any amount helps our efforts and lifts our spirits.

Again, I thank you for your continued interest and support and wish you continued good health and a joyful holiday season. Bracha v'Hatzlacha,

Gavriel Bellino

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784