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Update Shiva

03/04/2021 06:51:54 PM


We are saddened by the passing of Sigmund Robinson (זושא יואל בן פסח), father of Cori Robinson.

Shiva is being observed at the Robinson-Bellino home in Teaneck. There will be no in-person Shiva visits. 
Zoom Shiva hours are as follows:
Thursday: 7 - 9 PM
Friday: 10 AM - 1 PM
Saturday: 7 - 10 PM
Sunday: 10 AM - 12:30 PM, 6 - 9 PM
To join the Zoom Shiva click here.
Zoom ID: 896 1855 4766 Password: shiva
Dial-in audio 1-646-558-8656; Meeting ID: 896 1855 4766

Wishes of condolence are welcome by email
Donations may be made to the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale.
To do so, click


May Cori and family be consoled 
amongst all who mourn for Zion and Jerusalem.

Thu, May 16 2024 8 Iyyar 5784